I drew the above tonight while on our paid subscriber zoom, as we talked about the election. The idea came from two previous cartoons I drew about ten years ago. I post them below, they were drawn when the phrase “War On Women” was in the news cycle for some reason.
Someone posted this one below on twitter today, and then someone else suggested that in “fairness,” I should do one with the male parent.
I had done one way back when! Here it is.
Here are the tweets:
So today, I decided I should do a new drawing with both parents, and did. It’s all hands on deck in a way I have not seen in my lifetime. It’s just incredible how Trump and his people are threatening the rights of women.
Much of the news was more of the same in terms of politics, so I won’t write anything about that. Plus, I’m tired of writing how nasty and hateful Trump is.
I will go live tomorrow at some point. I hope you can sleep tonight. See you tomorrow. Many thanks for being here, I can’t tell you how grateful I am.
Thank you for your thoughtful drawings and commentary.
Our contribution was lobbing two votes into the whirlpool.