Happy Halloween! Here are some drawings I have done over the years on this fun subject. I hope you enjoy.
This last one was done during the 2008 housing crisis.
Off to buy candy— in case we get trick-or-treaters! I miss the days when our girls were little and we took them out in the neighborhood. So much fun.
Nice ones. Rather sad about the houses for sale. I just sent out an invite to my neighbors that my traditional homemade brownies would be out of the oven in 33 minutes. No costumes or children required to come and get one. I live on a short dead-end street and have been for the last 35 years. We know each other.
Wonderful cartoons and caring comments. My one kiddo is now 25 and I loved heading out to Montpelier's (VT) streets filled with kids from many rural villages across Vermont: scores of kids all laughing and running and making weird noises.
I am reminded of Halloween in Madison Wisconsin back in the 80's--pre internet/I-phone. With 45,000 students enrolled , many!!!! thousands would flood state street--shoulder to shoulder.Dressed wildly we were insane and it was kinda fun. One year I set up a makeshift photo booth with a fancy tripod and a junky polaroid instant camera and bought $200 of film (a lot then!). Before the night was over I had made rent for several months. One passer by explained he was a business student and would have several booths in place--next year!!! That was it for me, my one evening as a successful capitalist in a university town filled with lefty/ activist types like myself. Now I get 10-15 little kids in my sweet little VT village with no stoplight, dirt roads and community supper wednesday nights (Join us--but bring something)