A final summertime cliche for you before we dive headlong into fall. The lemonade stand! I never had the business drive to sit at one (was too shy to do anything like that). But of course as a grown-up cartoonist, it’s a fun idea to play with. This one makes no sense, but I thought it visually funny. It started with the little girl sitting at the stand. I could think of nothing, but then the idea of a large lemon popped into my head. I drew it. Nothing else came, I had no words for the girl to speak, or for the lemon for that matter. So I decided to draw more lemons. What does it mean??
Last week I traveled with my cousins to the New Jersey shore, and they drove an electric car. I learned first-hand how hard it is to not only find charging stations, but find ones that work! Yikes. So I drew this cartoon.
And finally before you go, here is another in my cloud-gazing series: