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Welcome! I’m Liza Donnelly, New Yorker cartoonist and writer and journalist and all kinds of things. Thanks for being here! Subscribe to get full access to the newsletter and website. Never miss an update, or a cartoon.
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Be part of my community of people who love cartoons but are sort of serious too, and like to not only see and read observations about life, make them as well. And for people who have concerns about the world, but know how to be funny.
My hope is for Seeing Things to be a community. To that end, if you are able, I invite you to become a paid subscriber, wherein you will get content directed specifically at that segement of my community, you will be free to comment on all posts, email me, and join my monthly zoom live draw gatherings. Founding subscribers will get a gift of a sketch from me.
Publishing is changing rapidly, it is becoming more difficult to create within a media model that does not always consider the creative’s best interest. I appreciate any support you can afford to help me continue to do what I love: draw for you.
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