Things aren’t normal. They haven’t been for a while, but now they are worse.
I am searching for ways to adjust to this news, and within a half hour, I go between tears, chest pain to anger to motivation to do something.
This is a time to reflect on what went wrong, but not to blame. Use any reflection to try to change the things that may have led to the election of a crude, narcissistic strongman.
But more so, it’s a time to seek to help, work to change. I don’t know what that looks like, but I know that’s our job now.
Last night, before my head hit the pillow, and before we knew the final outcome, I told myself this: if Trump wins, my work will change. It has to go into high gear. I will continue to post every day, and will continue to bring you the news, and humor when possible. Again, I don’t know what that means, and I am open to suggestions.
In an interview years ago, Fred Rogers said that when he was a boy, his mother told him that if he was scared, “look for the helpers. When you see the helpers, you will know that there’s hope.”
We have so many helpers! Become a helper, join them and let them help you figure out what your role could be. This morning, I am getting many messages from friends asking me if I’m okay. These friends are helpers, their comfort is soothing. We are not alone. And as I said before when worrying about the outcome of this election, I think about the “helpers,” the principled, elected leaders in our government who will work very hard to make this time of Trump’s presidency cause the least harm as possible.
Top of my to-do list: Get rid of the electorial college, hold the corporate media to account constantly, send vitamins to all the liberal Supreme Court Justices, donate to Hakeem Jeffries, Meg Whitman, Pete Butigieg, Cory Booker and others, look to the midterms and figure out how to get back the Senate and House (if the Dems lose the House), call friends, family, get together with them, make them feel connected, continually expose Trump and Vance for the horrible people they are. Figure out how to bring people together.
Here below is a link to the live drawing I just did, I hope it calms you down.
Thank you for being here. You all are so important to me, we will get through this.
Yes! Hope and helpers. Donate generously to not-for-profits that protect the environment and human rights.
I'm afraid we are in a world wide movement toward autocracy. Trump has caught the wave and we will have to use our wits, patience, and decency to support each other and preserve goodness and hope. When we fight, as Kamala said, we win. Love will win in the long run.