Jan 12Liked by Liza Donnelly

Absolutely correct. They’ve sipped the Koolaid and are addicted to it now.

We can’t rest on the insanity we are watching. Your voice is so important Liza and I’m thankful for you.

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Thank you, Patris.

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Jan 12Liked by Liza Donnelly

In the beginning of this political nightmare, I was angered by the covers of the New Yorker that persisted in images that portrayed Trump as a comedic figure. As you point out today, there is and never has been anything comedic about him. He is an evil person who uses his charisma to delude and encourage people to believe in lies and uses fear to promote his own agenda. Your message is an important one. He's different from the politicians we've known. The media could change the perception by following your idea. He's not a clown, he's evil personified.

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Thank you, Susan. Some in the media are now speaking like this. But not enough, in my opinion.

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Jan 13Liked by Liza Donnelly

I love the scale difference between the hair wave and the miniature right hand.

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Jan 13Liked by Liza Donnelly

I'm a relatively new paid subscriber, and you have hit the proverbial nail on the head, Liza! Up until now, I have resisted posting any political comments on my FB page, but told myself just last week that I was going to call out Trump as a cult leader. Plain and simple, that's what he is. Thanks for the Washington Post article... right on target. Now excuse me while I post your truly fabulous cartoon on my FB page! Have a great weekend!

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Thank you, Sandy. He is a menace or worse. I am glad you will be speaking out more!

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Jan 13Liked by Liza Donnelly

Is there enough time prior to the election to perform 100 million vision correction surgeries?

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oh god, I hope so. Or is it a brain issue?

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Right. The columnists do their job in calling him out, turning on the sirens. But the papers do not. What, on earth, will it take? Good drawing, Liza. Thank you.

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Thank you, LInda. More noise from us might help!

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Jan 13Liked by Liza Donnelly

Trump is fat and rich and vulgar. Perfect for most Americans.

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Big thanks to Liza and all others re Trump. We should see T as a fascist--a word and term many are still reluctant to use. If T gains electoral power it is likely peoples of color will be targeted for deportation or confinement (See the internment of Japanese citizens in WWII--by FDR!).Equally important, we must see clearly that millions of white racists will allow and encourage dangerous actions (See Heather Cox Richardson and a wide array of POC citizens).

We must build ways to speak openly, fiercely and compassionately to white working class racists and to show how working people of color are their allies!!!! Trump is no different than the KKK/slave owning elites who feared people of color would unite with working class whites. Decades ago he would say "I am white trash, just like you, except I made money. I know your anger..."

First we work to keep Trump from winning; equally we reach out to white racists. I have been doing it as a college teacher for decades and students have been quite willing to throw off racism and the lies of Trump and his allies.

Time to work. Read MLK's Letter from a Birmingham Jail,"; learn about his efforts to build a Poor People's Movement," ; listen to his 1968 speech at the Riverside Church in NYC. King and many other white and POC (women and men) gave up their lives and lit the darkness.

Only our collective action can diminish racist/fascist power and build the world we need.

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So well said, bob. Thankyou. COLLECTIVE is key.

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Outstanding. The whole thing. 🙏🏼

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As a matter of fact, the cult-like character of MAGA has often been remarked upon, not least by conservatives like me. And after all, it’s not a unique phenomenon on the American political scene. There was a Cult of Obama during his first run for president and the early years of his tenure in office, though it faded over time as people realized that he was not a messiah but a politician.

People used to wring their hands over the “imperial presidency,” but as things turned out American politics was corrupted by the idea of the savior presidency. The wisdom of Lincoln, expressed in his remark that he had not controlled events but that events had controlled him, was forgotten. So here we are, struggling to convince ourselves against all the lessons of history and plain common sense, that the fate of the nation depends on which intellectual and moral pigmy, Biden or Trump, wins the next election. But it really doesn’t matter. “Our democracy” is not at stake because it’s no longer embodied in our political system. There’s a silver lining, however: DEI ensures that any future cabal of despotic oligarchs will be composed of incompetent dolts, more annoying than dangerous.

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Jan 13Liked by Liza Donnelly

I marvel at the way he continues to exert influence  on his followers, how he speaks out of a mind that is cemented in imaginations of grandiosity , so sure of himself  against the current of a  reality that paints him as the villain ... and still, he proclaims to be innocent and they believe. Well, he said he loved the poorly educated.  The erosion of public education  by some red  state laws -- how can books be banned in democratic USA? - is helping this delusion of  the  extra-radicals that follow him;so we need to find the ways to stop the growing nonsense in a democratic way by persuasion and explicit laws that follow the spirit of the constitutional rights of all. ---BTW, Great Image!

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Jan 13Liked by Liza Donnelly

Thank you so very much, Lisa! In case you and other authors don't get told often enough: for those of us whose voices have a much smaller reach than we would wish, your persistence in elevating and spreading the facts of our country's situation can be all that brings hope. As a child of the late 30's, I know how susceptible people are to herd mentality. ~ Reliving so many things that we hoped were long resolved and working HARD not to be overwhelmed. ❤️Jo L

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Thank you, Jo. Heard mentality is what it is. I have not seen this, only read about it....the McCarthy era was most recent, am I right? There are always shades of it, but not to this extent. How can intelligent GOP stand by him?

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Jan 13Liked by Liza Donnelly

Yup. Yes. You bet. As Patris below has said, he offered people the koolaid, a hallucinogenic elixir that made everything wrong, right; everything true, false; everything light, dark. And, by the time, they realized what was happening, they were either addicted or became agile spin masters, making up elaborate excuses for his behavior. The end to them justified the means. Blech. As usual, you are right on target.

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Trump is acting and sounding more and more like Hitler. And, yes, he had a cult following too, accepting his fears, lies and hatred. These are bad times for our country with things like this going on. I'm so glad you have a public voice, Liza, to heighten awareness. Thank you.

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Thank you, Katy.

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There might be an anal-rectal issue giving them a crappy outlook on life.

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Thanks Liza. Collective means different diverse groups in peaceable civil disobedience if needed in a Trump regime/culture. US history and the world is filled with successful democratic movements. Look at Guatemala--where indigenous people filled the streets. Years ago I waited or a train to take us to a mass earth action day: 400,000 gathered in NYC and in NJ scores of people with signs boarded the train laughing and smiling and singing----in Princeton of all places.

We will have to figure out how to connect with angry groups of "others..." Google Freedom Summer 64 and see what you find.You'll be energized forever. We will have to stand up to Trump and his legions of haters in all regions. Democracy must be built ; as MLK reeminds us only love can drive out darkness...... step by step

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Thank you , bob.

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