Jan 16Liked by Liza Donnelly

The kitchen cabinet coup!

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Jan 17Liked by Liza Donnelly

Sounds like the title of a cozy mystery. LOL.

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Jan 16Liked by Liza Donnelly


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Jan 16Liked by Liza Donnelly

I woke up this morning, hoping the long nightmare I've been having would be over. Nope. I still and never ever ever will figure out how in the world this clown got to where he is. I mean, really? It started out as a joke, but there is nothing funny about him anymore. He's like the clown in a scary movie. Sad part is, it's real and not fiction. I hope Cheney does jump in; God knows we need her. And I really shudder when I hear "God sent Trump." Talk about blasphemy. Sometimes, it's all too much to absorb. Anyway, sorry for the rant. Keep drawing....please.

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Yes. And John Wayne Gacy was also a clown….🤡

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I so agree, Allia. I want Cheney in the race simply for some sanity from that branch of politicians. I don't agree with much of what she believes, except her despising Trump and warning us.

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Jan 18Liked by Liza Donnelly

You know, it's such a sad commentary on our elections that we have to vote for one person in order to prevent another from winning. Crazy. I agree with you about her politics, but I applaud her guts ,determination, and honesty in calling out that the emperor has no clothes. Thanks so much for keeping us semi-sane with your work.

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Jan 17Liked by Liza Donnelly

Now I am paranoid the chili pot is conspiring with the spice rack.

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Jan 17Liked by Liza Donnelly

Aha, I suspected my kitchen appliances were up to something. They’re forming a cozy cabal! (Liza, I love your cartoon. But now I’m gonna have to set up a security camera in my own kitchen.)

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Cozy soup! Love it. And I think you’re onto something. I see enormous vats of rich-smelling Cozy Soup bubbling atop the Donnelly towers, infusing the country below. And people find that they want more of it; they’re sick of the foul-smelling scent coming from Trump tower. And they turn away from it in disgust, pick up their ladles, and return to sanity and comfort. 🍲

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I love that, LInda! You are putting an Addams spin on it.....

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Funny! I’ve absorbed him. Now, if only I could DRAW like him….

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Since I wash them everyday, I should get some sort of kickback from whatever they're putting together.

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YOu should!

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Hey Liza, I’m all for the pots getting together and having our breakfast ready at 9 am! I’m also for Liz Cheney jumping into the mix! Don’t think she could pull any right hawk evangelicals out of tRump’s camp (they should not be there in the first place). This election may just be as “the military” puts it FUBAR!

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BTW, we had a great COZY soup of chicken, veggies and gnocchi tonight to help cut into a cold snap here in Charleston.

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Jan 17Liked by Liza Donnelly

What no role for the Tea Cozy!! I bet it would have you covered!!

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Good point!!!

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Jan 17Liked by Liza Donnelly

If anyone cared to fix this country, the Electoral College would have already been eliminated. Yet after three elections where it made for weird outcomes, it is still with us when it is obsolete.

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"Does this drawing have anything to do with the current political climate? Maybe a certain polititian?"

Well, one of them is certainly a "gros plein de soupe"! (disagreable lardass)

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Jan 17Liked by Liza Donnelly

I felt calmer about the Iowa Caucus results when I read Heather Cox Richardson's take yesterday, noting that all this is based on only about 110,000 people voted, or roughly 15% of Iowa's registered Republicans. So Trump got around 50,000 votes. You are right that starting with Iowa sets everything askew. Time for some Common Sense Soup. A bowl full of hope, anyone?

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Jan 17Liked by Liza Donnelly

I hope Iowa is listening. Great call to action, Liza!

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Jan 17Liked by Liza Donnelly

I love this so much! Again, gently political, and perfect!

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Funny illustration and thanks for your honesty. Many of us grew up Euro-middle class with a deep and stable life experience that suggested the world was moving slowly if unevenly towards justice, equity and a more hospitable earth.

That wide and broadly positive world view of a positive future is now at deep risk. Trump alone may continue to disturb the world. Climate change will add to the 100 million the UN declares are already in forced migration. It makes sense we struggle and feel isolated and powerless. I remind myself I am only now facing obstacles and dangers people of color, folks with disabilities, poor whites and more have faced throughout their lives. I'm super lucky to live in a state (VT) where the majority are determined to stay together in community and collaborative ways. And I suggest everyone check out Soulfire Farm outside Albany, a superb gathering of POC and whites to build a new future through food. My simple answer to my hundreds of students has always been to find and support an existing community organization. Community alone will keep us together and weaken hate and anger. Thanks Liza your words and drawings bring us together and your honesty is remarkable--as is your talent and grace.

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Thank you, bob. You are very generous.

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