Can't wait. Trump can't avoid the debate . . . there goes his machoness forever.

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Aug 26Liked by Liza Donnelly

I wonder if he'll pull out at the last minute...

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Aug 26Liked by Liza Donnelly

Oh no you didn’t

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In debating Trump, Kamala will be challenged because lies don't surrender to truth or facts. She will have to use her skills to de-bait Trump into falsehoods that demolish his false claims right before our eyes and ears. Beyond that, all she has to do is keep her cool. Reagan's speech coach said that to win a debate, you must always keep your composure.

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Trump doesn't know the first thing about debate and he's just about tiny-smart enough to know that he will lose, whatever loss means to him. The empty bully is actually completely full of fear.

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My first thought about the mic debate is that Harris wants live mics throughout so she can call him on each and every one of his lies and for viewers and listeners to hear her clearly. It’ll drive him crazy(ier). Being able to hear his blatherings while she’s speaking is a lovely bonus. And her giving him an “I’m speaking” with her famous look … well, that’s just the cherry on the parfait.

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Or, speak up, sir--I don't think the whole class heard that one :D

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I will wear my "I'm speaking" mask with the Liza drawing on it.

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Aug 26Liked by Liza Donnelly

LOVE your cartoon! Posted it on my FB page (with credit, of course!)

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Dontcha just know it: he's terrified. The schoolyard bully is gonna get an ass whuppin', in front of everybody, and he knows it. Like all bullies, he's trying to back out without losing face, but that isn't working: it's just making him look even more cowardly. Now, to be clear: Kamala Harris isn't cruel; she's just confident. She's had years of practice going toe-to-toe with big tough guys, many of whom (unlike D.T.) were quite intelligent; she's honed her chops on adversaries like that, and she's not intimidated by anybody. (Have you seen any of those Senate hearings, where she grilled guys like Bill Barr, Brett Kavanaugh?) Regarding the open mic / mute issue: Trump's handlers have said they don't want people to witness his immature, unpresidential behavior, hear his interruptions, his attempts to mock Harris; she and her team know that she'll actually benefit from that, both in the sense that people will witness it, and in the sense that she'll be able to counter it effectively. Politely, firmly, she'll put him in his place: "I'm speaking." She'll do it professionally, like a prosecutor; he won't be able to call her "nasty" (or any other names) without looking small and petulant. And that beautiful laugh: if he really comes unglued, starts yelling, all she has to do is laugh. Game over.

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Aug 26Liked by Liza Donnelly

Also - he hates being mocked.

He scared. Final answer!

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Aug 26Liked by Liza Donnelly

I love that cartoon!!

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Aug 26Liked by Liza Donnelly

In poker parlance, Trump knows he's the 🐟 at the debate.

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Aug 27Liked by Liza Donnelly

I'm actually surprised the Harris camp wants unmuted mics (and that Trump doesn't). It's one of his tactics to speak over people--incessantly and loudly--and he will do so here, if he shows up at all.

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thanks, I can't wait to hear her laugh at him

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Just watched on TV on CNN an interview with DJT and he has gone against his team and says he would agree to having unmuted mikes. He says Harris can't debate anyway and is stupid. I think that having unmuted mikes everyone can hear what he is saying when she is trying to speak/answer questions and she can respond to his lies. He is too narcissistic to pull out of the debate. He thinks he will show her and everyone how smart he is and how much "better" looking he is than her! To even compare yourself as a man as being better looking than a woman that's comparing apples to oranges! Something like that. Your drawing is perfect because I think not only will she get stern with him but also laugh at the clown.

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Aug 27Liked by Liza Donnelly

You've thought about this more than I have. I'm feeling enlightened now.

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Aug 27Liked by Liza Donnelly

"Maybe the Trump team will ask for no laughing on the debate stage." Brilliant. She is going to wipe the orange right off his face. So I did a thing: I remembered there was a choir of boys who sang the "Meow" song. So I looked it up and suggested the followers of the crazy childless cat ladies FB page put it on their phones and play it on occasion. That would be hysterical. I think he will find a reason to back out. He can't compete with her. No way. Thanks for everything. xo Meeeeeee-owwwwww.

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I’d be willing to debate Kamala Harris after downing two or three Cosmopolitans. I mean come on. The Bratgirl doesn’t know jack. Do you seriously think she has a clue about Ukraine or Taiwan or Gaza or inflation or healthcare or anything at all? Maybe, just maybe, she can spell them, but beyond that—black hole. What cracks me up is that you know this but refuse to admit it to yourself.

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Aug 27Liked by Liza Donnelly

Thomas M Gregg you're so funny!

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