May 21Liked by Liza Donnelly

Wow, Liza -- this is an amazing recap. I can tolerate your reports -- can't take the newspaper versions! Your drawings make it possible to read without freaking out. Thanks!

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Thank you, Paula!

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May 21Liked by Liza Donnelly

You are the only sane thing about this whole twisted trial. Your delightful drawings and insightful comments are better than TV for sure - thank you!

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Thank you, Laura!

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May 21Liked by Liza Donnelly

This is one of the best (and certainly the most interesting looking) wrap-ups I've seen. Thanks for all the detail, I feel like I was there, from morning 'til night.

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Thanks, Philip. It was wild, and so interesting.

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May 21Liked by Liza Donnelly

Wow. This is superduperfabandsowonderfulIcan'tstandit!!!! And you know I never use exclamation points unless I'm shouting "Fire!" or "Ginger Snaps!" or "Spider!" Awesome coverage. I'd much rather read your take then what the news spews out. So happy to be here and get it all first-hand. Thanks Liza. Boy, you must be exhausted by the time you get home. Yikes.

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Thanks! It took me a few days to recover, that's for sure.

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Fascinating, Liza!

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May 21Liked by Liza Donnelly

I feel like I was there! Last drawing should be Judge Merchan, not Cohen

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Yes, thanks! WIll fix...

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Thank your for the great narration and illustrations. It has occurred to me to wonder: at 5:15 there weren't any trump buddies in front of you, right? Or on any other day? Did folks all wear blue suits and red ties in order to show they were "family" and could sit in the family row? "Yes, Mr. Bailiff, we are all just clones of the defendant."

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They all went in special doors!!!

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May 21Liked by Liza Donnelly

I like the way you weave a very cohesive narrative - in spite of the doldrums of court!

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Thank you!

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my favorite post from anyone on the trial

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Thank you!

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May 21Liked by Liza Donnelly

Liza you bring humanity, humor and authenticity to this trial. How refreshing .

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Thanks, Gus!

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May 21Liked by Liza Donnelly

Fun and informative. If Trump is convicted, you may have enough material for a book, a stocking stuffer if he loses the election. I'll be first in line for a signed copy!

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Thanks, Bill!

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And Captain Alfred Dreyfus thought that he was getting a bad deal. If this clown show of a trial is how the Left is defending “our democracy”—give me enlightened despotism in the style of Frederick the Great, or maybe Marcus Aurelius. Anybody but Joe Biden.

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Except that Marcus Aurelius was not a graduate of Trump University and would hardly suffer a blatant crime wannabe like Trump anywhere near him. On the other hand, his unfortunate son and heir Commodius might have hung out with Trump until he was strangled by a wrestler after he sought to rename Rome after himself.

Thank you for the laugh. Good one.

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No kidding. But as a justification for mobilizing lawfare against an admittedly bad man, your argument falls flat. It’s not a crime to be a bad man. If it were, Joe Biden’s head would be on the point of a pike; he’s a rat bastard of the purest ray serene. But that ‘s not the way we do things in America. Or is it…?

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Your categorization of due process (what is in fact being afforded Mr. Trump) as “lawfare” leases me to think you may be caught up in a blizzard of disinformation spewed by Mr. Trumps champions.

Law is applied equally or it’s meaningless. And if you have evidence that Mr. Biden has committed a crime you should pursue a charge against him.

I do not want anyone’s head on a spike. If you do this is unlikely a place to gather those who think as you do. Thanks.

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To what law are you referring? Please be specific.

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The one Trump has been charged with breaking - the trial for which is being held now?

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Can you be more specific?

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I wonder if someone could explain to me what a "side eye" looks like to the judge. A "stare down" means Costello can't look at the judge? I am confused.

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May 21Liked by Liza Donnelly

Wonderful recap! Great drawings and text! After avoiding the trial as much as possible during the day ( tired of the drama) your coverage draws me right in. Thank you for your hard work and brilliant coverage Liza!

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Love your depiction and reporting! Your cartoon characters give life to the trial proceedings!

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What a saga. Someone needs to write a book about the trial so the Trumpies can ban it.

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