I watched President Biden in Raleigh today. He was on fire.🔥 Certainly boosted my spirits. Of course, much different venue/“moderators” and minus being attacked with rapid -fire ,bull @#$& lies. (Maybe why SCOTUS didn’t ban bump stocks🤔)

Here’s the link..It starts about 1:30.


Interesting Jay Kuo said when he read the actual transcripts, Biden comes off sounding fine while Trump sounded unhinged.


“You get knocked down, you get back up.” President Joseph R. Biden


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Thank you for the links.

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Thank you I’ve seen some already but like Liza, was both discouraged by Biden emerging already exhausted - and then disgusted by the Yams lying and bullying. At one point my husband said, (paraphrasing but very close “who the f thought it was a good idea to have no fact checking?”

It was ugly but I’m neither abandoning the fight against insanity OR letting go of Biden.

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I will never abandon Joe! I have since changed my thinking, he should not step down.

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Jun 28Liked by Liza Donnelly

Thanks for sharing that Rally footage. I really needed to see that!

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That's great! I am now feeling better, and debates don't mean much I am told!

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Jun 29Liked by Liza Donnelly

Yes. I’ve come to realize how much like Tuckers frozen food inheritance we are served - crap neatly packaged but you’re supposed to be delighted with - by the media talking heads.

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I appreciate your depictions and especially your selected quotes. The mendacity of the guy who said he has a 'big heart' comes out in your drawing. I think he misspoke, though. I think he meant "Borg heart." The debate was painful to watch. I see today's New York Times headline sooo softly touches on Trump. Should have printed: "Lies", but chose a less accurate term. (After all, perhaps not EVERY word he said was a lie. He may have said a few "and" and "the" words in there.)

Thank you.

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Good God Almighty!

God, Herself, must have thrown up her hands, and turned off Earth before the end of that travesty.

What we witnessed last night wasn't just a debate - it was a stark reminder of the precipice our democracy is teetering on. Shitshow is being kind. Trump, true to form, bulldozed his way through the evening with all the grace of a wrecking ball, unleashing a torrent of lies that would make Goebbels blush. And make no mistake - what we saw was a masterclass straight out of Hitler's playbook. The fearmongering, the scapegoating, the brazen disregard for truth - it was all there, wrapped up in a red tie and a bad spray tan.

And Biden? Our would-be defender of democracy tried to play the role of the dignified statesman. But let me tell you something - dignity doesn't win street fights. It's time for Biden and his team to wake up and smell the fascism. This isn't a genteel disagreement over policy - it's a bare-knuckle brawl for the freedom of our nation.

Biden needs a new mantra: "Never give up, never surrender, take no prisoners"

Let's be crystal clear - this isn't politics as usual. This is Good versus Evil, with the fate of our republic hanging in the balance. Biden's performance was... let's be kind and call it suboptimal. His voice, weakened by a cold, did nothing to quell concerns about his age and vitality. His responses meandered like a lost tourist in Times Square.

Meanwhile, Trump's lies flowed like a burst sewage pipe, painting a picture of America so dystopian it would make George Orwell say, "Whoa, what?" The parallels to authoritarian rhetoric of the past were starkly chilling, to say the least.

It was painful to watch. We needed Biden to silence the doubters, to slice through Trump's web of lies with conviction. Instead, we got a faltering performance that left Democrats nationwide reaching for Xanax.

Biden's team needs a reality check. Who did they think he was debating? Mister Rogers? The strategy should have been simple: call Trump a liar. Every. Single. Time. Start every response with, "What you just heard was a lie," and then lay out the facts.

After the debate, Biden was spotted at a Waffle House in Atlanta. When asked about his performance, he said, "It's hard to debate a liar." No kidding, Joe. But that's the fight we're in, and it's time to bring brass knuckles to the brawl.

Make no mistake, the GOP has always shown its hand. They're not interested in democracy - they want an authoritarian regime with Trump as their vindictive messiah. This isn't just politics - it's a voracious beast ready to devour every last morsel of our democratic institutions.

Biden's stumbles have made the road ahead treacherous. His campaign needs to rally, and fast. They need to convince major donors and disheartened voters that he's still the man for the job.

And let's not forget Trump's refusal to commit to accepting the election results. If that doesn't send a chill down your spine, you're not paying attention.

So here we are, America. Our choice is stark: a president who had a rough night, or a pathological liar promising a future that looks like a mashup of "1984" and "The Handmaid's Tale."

As for me, I'm taking a page from Elizabeth Taylor's book: "Pour yourself a drink, put on some red lipstick, and pull yourself together."

Because the fight for America's soul is far from over, and we've all got work to do.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ If we women and those good gentle men among us, united and voted as a block we would change our world. Together we could change the whole world.

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Well said!

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Seconded! Insightful, clear, strong and very, very true. You are a writer. Thank you for the powerful comment. (If I knew how to insert a fire emoji here, I would.)

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Trump was asked twice about accepting the 2024 election results and as before he said if I believe they are fair, ..... He has no intention of accepting a loss again. If I remember correctly didn't Biden say it would be a bloodbath. Scary indeed!

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Yes. It will be. There are more safeguards in place this time but that won’t deter them.

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That was magnificent!! Thank you.

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“And Biden? Our would-be defender of democracy tried to play the role of the dignified statesman. But let me tell you something - dignity doesn't win street fights. It's time for Biden and his team to wake up and smell the fascism. This isn't a genteel disagreement over policy - it's a bare-knuckle brawl for the freedom of our nation.”

This quote especially. Thanx.

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Joe Biden responds to his audience. I think that is why he did so well later the same night.

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He was re-writing history last night. If Trump wins, that will only be the beginning. Its horrifying to think what they will be trying to teach as history in a Trump world future.

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You have a brilliant depiction of the debate (debacle?). Thanks, Liza💙

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Well, I think that Joe Biden’s cognitive decline has been obvious since the time of the Afghanistan debacle in the summer of 2021. Remember that press conference? It was bad—very bad. And since then things have only gotten worse. No doubt the stress and pressure of the presidency accelerated the process. And now it’s undeniably obvious that he can’t carry on. Biden should step aside and let some younger Democrat step up. If he did that, he could retire with the thanks of his party and his dignity intact. But it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen. The Democrats have painted themselves into a corner: They’re stuck with Biden, who’s going to lose to Trump.

As for the people who’ve been gaslighting us since 2021 with happy talk about Biden’s energy and sharpness and focus—they’ve despicable people who’ve earned my everlasting contempt.

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Your drawings are a good reference for teaching how not to respond to a combative debater.

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…I have nothing Liza…thank you for your thoughtful comments and drawings.

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Was the debate that difficult or are both of the geriatric candidates better suited for the golf course than the Oval Office? The founding fathers wisely stipulated any seeker of the presidency had to be 35 years old. It might be time to place an age cap on the this position, also. 10 U.S. Code § 1253, stipulates mandatory retirement of the flag / general officers at 64 to 68 years of age. A candidate for the presidency should not be eligible if they turn 68 before inauguration. My opinion! For the record, I am over 68 years of age.

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Sadly, I have to agree with you. Last night reminded me of the last debate I saw John McCain in. He was just too old. I live on St. Croix, US Virgin Islands where we love and respect the Bidens who vacation here. Unfortunately we have not been given the right to vote for president. But neither do we have bunch of raving Trumpsters. Thank goodness. I appreciate your drawings which reflect my feelings about what I witnessed last night. I’ve heard a suggestion that Kamala Harris should run with Gavin Newsome as VP.

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Biden has done an excellent job as President for us, by any fair measure. Now is not the time to abandon him as he weakly speaks truth to lies. It’s time to rally around him with our support. He’s a Democrat and so am I. I’ve never been more energized.

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Well said!! I am right there with you!!

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Liza, you did a fantastic job with what you had to work with. I, too, watched the ‘debate’, and although President Biden had an off night, it did not sway my vote at all. And, I hope they don’t replace him! This country, and we the people, need him and Kamala Harris to stay right there for one more term. Then he can pass the reigns on to her. Personally I believe she’s ready to take the helm. She’s worked u def the best for over 4 years now, and with what they walked into 3 1/2 years ago! She’s ready. They had to hit the ground running when they took over. Trump had all records from every department destroyed. He gutted every department where they had to literally build the government before they could govern, or so he thought. They governed and rebuilt at the same time!

Keep on keeping on, Liza! We have to keep Biden/Harris in office PLUS give them majority Senate and House. A Super-Majority would be even better!!!

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I was despairing about Biden’s performance last night too, until I read Heather Cox Richardson’s post today. She said that Trump effectively confused Biden with his torrent of disconnected lies. She went on to say

“That’s not ideal, but as Monique Pressley put it, “The proof of Biden’s ability to run the country is the fact that he is running it. Successfully. Not a debate performance against a pathological lying sociopath.” “

And then immediately after he left that toxic event, he defended himself and tore into Trump at a rally in North Carolina.

I know the rally does not make up for the debate, but I am encouraged anyway. I think he is doing a great job as President.

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Your live drawings captured the essence of the debate and I agree with your comments. I doubt many undecided voters, whose support he will need to win, were inspired by his performance last night. I am old and live in a retirement community. Biden’s stiff movements, mask-like facial expression, word finding problems, and odd eye movements make me suspect he is unwell, not just frail or having an off night. I am worried about him and scared of losing to Trump whose dangerousness was very obvious last night. An awful situation.

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I appreciate your grounding and honest comments Liz. And thanks, as well, to the group. The artificial debates give us precious little real insight into either candidate. Well, except that Trump is an inveterate liar and much more.

If Trump wins it really is about the lives of the millions who will vote for him. We're kind of a mess as a nation--and have a history of deep wounding as well as genuine success pathways. Widespread race anger, heterosexist sexual violence and deep longstanding capitalist divisions (and much more) have encouraged many to follow Trump's anger and divisiveness.

The only way forward is to build democratic peaceable community--wherever we live. I would love if Liz could give us sketches of people coming together. What could that look like?

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