May 11Liked by Liza Donnelly

You are, above all, a chronicler of history as it happens. A profession the fearless choose and I’m grateful, especially as you translate events in your work so succinctly. My apologies if harsh comments on those characters are ever received as criticism. Of you, never.

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Thank you, Patris. I welcome thoughts, ideas, criticisms always. You are a great supporter and encouragager, I appreciate it so much.

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Liza, Thank you.


Liza Donnelly is the author and artist of "Seeing Things". A Substack she describes as "New and unpublished drawings and thoughts for people who want to see more of life, from a New Yorker cartoonist. Drawings, cartoons, words, live drawing, process, more..."

Today’s Substack really speaks to me:

“I, too, hate drawing what this man above has drawn. Like him, it depresses me and also really angers me. But my feeling is I have to draw this, if only to try to make it go away.”

Please read and subscribe. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words.

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Thank you, Gloria!

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What if the real threat to democracy is that we the people have fallen again for the oldest trick in the world - literally the oldest - allowing ourselves to be tribalized, polarized and alienated from each other beyond all reason? When I hear otherwise intelligent people say we can't talk about politics and religion I want to scream are you crazy, we can't NOT talk about those things and keep our democracy. There are dozen of bridging orgs like Braver Angels and Living Room Conversations with foolproof guides to respectful interaction but we get little traction.

We are the supermajority in the middle and we've hogtied ourselves and delivered ourselves to demogogues and autocrats on a silver tray.

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May 11Liked by Liza Donnelly

I appreciate that you do it. The caricatures also serve a purpose in making him look ridiculous. Which he is. The emperor has no clothes. You, and other artists & writers with integrity, keep pointing it out. We need it to be said aloud and displayed for the world to see. If we are too quiet, evil rolls over us.

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Thank you, Wendy.

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Both great cartoons.

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Thanks, Steve!

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Liza, I love subscribing to your Substack. What you draw, write and what you share lifts my spirits! Thank you!

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I am so glad, thank you, Robert!

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Laughing out loud in Vermont. The tRrump cartoon is kinda brilliant. Thanks so for this.

I don't want you wasting your energy and lovely vision on that person. If he returns to the White House we will have to directly organize and oppose him and his most hateful followers. But that is not now.

Your voice and views are welcomed all across VT and many many other places as well. Deep thnx for your energy and that lovely brain and heart.. Thnx for helping us build the future we need and want. Your humor lights the darkness......

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Thank you, bob. I value your voice here, and am very glad to have you as a supporter!!!

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Thanks for making me smile and giggle at the end of a busy, tiring Saturday. A squirrel with sunglasses and wearing shorts cracked me up. I hope that I dream of one. 🫶🏼

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Yes, it will be nice when Biden wins (I refuse to believe otherwise) and we can consign tfg to the rubbish heap of history. That is, if the media will cooperate.

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May 12Liked by Liza Donnelly

Here's the thing, Liza, the emotion that drives you, and also drives you crazy, is the heart of your creative talent. Your drawing of Trump on the cave wall is hilarious... and beautifully layered with meaning upon meaning. Keep going!

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THank you, D.L. I am grateful for your encouragement and support. So glad you're here!

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Liza, these are fantastic drawings!!!

First and foremost, HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to you, and to all mothers! You ladies have jobs no one ruse can do, and definitely don’t get the respect you so graciously deserve.

Now, down to it.

Your first drawing, which you call depressing. I’ll agree with you, to a point. It amazes me that you used ‘cavemen’ as the characters who were doing the drawing, and conversation. If it was me, I’d have his head on a stick, with a big pit of boiling liquid beside it.

Maybe we can find a ‘tribe’ of cannibals somewhere and send him there to do his ‘campaign’ speech. Hopefully he’ll become their next meal. Maybe not. It would probably poison them!!!

Your second drawing is on the money, gal! I love 💕 all the different depictions of Spring!

I can look at these three drawings and definitely relate to this neighborhood I currently live in. Going to the doctor’s appointment last week we passed by several Hines where their Christmas trees were out by the road to be picked up by the county recycling truck. How they heat them green thus long, I have no clue, but I’d sure like to.

I’m seeing more and more birds outside my window every day. When all you have to do is just lay here and look out the window or watch television, you have a tendency to see things differently than others do. I love watching the birds, and wildlife. It makes me feel good, even as I lay here in pain all the time.

Lastly, I have yet to see a squirrel wearing shorts and shades, but, if I do I’ll be sure to let you know! I have seen something that I had read, and heard, about but never actually saw. A flying squirrel. Literally flying from one tree to another. How they do it, I have no clue, but it is amazing seeing these little creatures spread out and keep from one tree to the next tree.

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Thank you, Daniel! I love flying squirrels, although have never seen on in person. I am glad you like my drawings, and thank you for being here!!!

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I greatly appreciate your response, Liza. I have a suggestion, if I may. I wish I had your artistic talent because I have so many thoughts in what I’d like to draw.

One that I gave is a scene in the dining room at Mar-a-Lago. Frumpy with his strawberry orange glow sitting at a table with all the boxes to classified top secret documents in boxes on the stage behind him. On the table he has some of these documents with representatives from Russia, Hungary, North Korea, Iran, all sitting at the table and looking at the documents, taking pictures of them, etc.

You get the picture. Frump is selling the secret information to these countries.

Now, that would be a great drawing!!!

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May 12Liked by Liza Donnelly

I sympathize with you. You have to acknowledge what he is and what he's doing. Yet, you have to try not to let it draw you down. (No pun here.) It's like cleaning up a sick room without getting infected. Anyway, HAPPY PURRDAY TO YOUUUU. Keep on truckin'.

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Thank you, Allia!!!!!

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