Aug 30Liked by Liza Donnelly

Thank you for such an enlightening, and comforting, column. ♥️

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Very nice piece.

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You are so measured, even in outrage, Liza. Once I used to be ..well mostly.. and you inspire not only me, but my daughter and granddaughter. In fact all the women in our family- and there are many. As it happens satisfying the dreams of the parents and grandparents, educated, hardworking. Good people. The only thing that differentiates the girls from the boys is that, as I’ve learned over the years, that every one of the girls has been sexually harassed - or molested. The boys haven’t.

And the Republican leadership seems fine with that.

I know from my sister’s psych experiments in college, that the closer to the end of the maze, the more agitated the test subject. Perhaps that’s what’s happening here.

Because I find it unbelievable that no one rises to their feet and says - to the faces of these men who purport to advocate for mothers and infants - that their every other statement displays their intention to return to a time when women were so routinely demeaned and slighted that we learned to accept it, shrugged and just got with it.

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Aug 30Liked by Liza Donnelly

Me too 💕

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Thank you for your thoughts, Patris. I want to know your family! Are you the matriarch? You have that sense of gravitas....

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Aug 30·edited Sep 2Liked by Liza Donnelly

And to think the sexism and misogyny she is encountering now, is only the calm before the storm. Great post Liza!

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Aug 30Liked by Liza Donnelly

Just the insight and honesty I needed today!

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Aug 30Liked by Liza Donnelly

Great comments. I am just hearing secondhand about the JD Vance text but can surely imagine it. For awhile it always felt to me that East Coast feminism was more academic and elitist than representing people who just went to work to make a living or earned a living as support staff. Among my working friends, I heard “I’m not a feminist — I’m not a Lesbian,” [that’s quote), “I never considered myself a feminist.” These co-workers weren’t anti-feminists or anti-inclusion, but they were working women who weren’t doing more than supporting themselves and their families. It’s important to express causes without demonizing anyone, and lots of people felt left out at times by the Democratic Party “isms” either because they weren’t part of a particular group or working for advancement. What I have valued about both the Obama and the Biden and Harris campaigns is that they have been both more expansive and more specific when talking about lifting up everybody.

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It's sad that your friends feel the need to say "I'm not a feminist" when in the fact that they are working and supporting families says they are. The right has turned the word into a hollow term of abuse. THAT is where the demonizing is coming from. Ask them whether they should get equal pay for equal work, or whether they should be entitled to promotion based on performance and ability, and I'm pretty sure that they'd agree. And THAT is what "feminism" is at root about--being sure that those things happen. You don't have to hate men to want those things.

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Agreed. But I must say I was always perplexed that "feminism" had such a negative influence on so many. It's just about freedom, at its core.

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Agree. And what a great cartoon!🎉

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you add ligh to my days. I'm a man, but agree with you about women's strugles. Keep it up

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Aug 31Liked by Liza Donnelly

And I would add "sincerity" to Liza's excellent list of Kamala's "human virtues" in the way she answered questions in this oh so very high MSM CNN profile.

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I just finished reading a piece on Politico's headline about the interview, using "evades" and then "sidesteps" as descriptors of the question about identity politics. Needless to say, there is much outrage. But when you actually read the STORY it is about what you have just stated: a pretty thoughtful discussion of WHY she is not rising to the bait. I'm pretty sure the reporter didn't choose the headline.

It is deeply and sadly ironic that the same folks who howl about discussions of the continuing effects of racism by crying "But we are a color blind society" are also the ones who insist on injecting race as something that needs to be addressed, when in fact it is irrelevant to whether Harris is indeed the best person for the job.

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Aug 31Liked by Liza Donnelly

The thing I don’t understand is why mainstream media are quick to find some fault with the only candidate who is not only serious, but who can put a sentence together and is thoughtful in each answer she gives. Such a cliche, but what a double standard! Why? Why do they feel the need to protect Trump by not pointing out his lies and disgusting behavior—they would not be biased, but just reporting the facts. They are going to lose us, and we’re the ones who support them!?

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They protect him to make money. Let’s stop “ supporting them.” They don’t give a whit about our America

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She was also a minor at the time. Vance is vile.

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Wait! I heard what Dump said. Well he didn’t say the words but I know MEXICO will pay for IVF treatments in America, right after they pay for the wall. Thank you for such an insightful article.

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Aug 31Liked by Liza Donnelly

Vance is to awful for words. He said that what he did was funny, that people should laugh. That is just egregious. Humiliating any person is low class bullying. That young woman now has to suffer through an event which was so difficult for her just to fit into Vance's idea of humor. My daughter and granddaughter should both have bright futures free of misogyny. In the 70's as a young women trying to work to move up, I encountered the patrilocal system and could only get so far. The interview was fine, they both did well. Tim Walz did not intrude or try to upstage Kamala Harris. The media, unfortunately, need headlines that will get them "clicks" OR make a false impression on those who don't go past the headlines. It is hard to understand how anyone can continue to support the Cult of Maga. The old "I've always voted Republican" doesn't stand since there no longer is a legitamite Republican party. Harris said, "I am running because I believe that I am the best person to do this job at this moment for all Americans, regardless of race and gender.” YES!

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Aug 31Liked by Liza Donnelly

Sorry about the typos.

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Regarding “freedom at its core” — yes!! Propaganda can filter into our minds without our knowing it, which is why feminism got a bad rap possibly. I’m a reader, and I worry about the simplicity of a lot of media at the same time I recognize the need to express concise messages to people. I like your combination of drawings and longer text making me realize all the contradictions around us.

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