deletedAug 24, 2023Liked by Liza Donnelly
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Thanks, I always spell that wrong. WHen will I get it???

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Liza Donnelly

My tolerance to the type of “discussion” of this party’s members is something I don’t look forward. They are so transparent in their positions and lack of intelligent thinking that is appealing to watch, So, yes, I didn’t watch it. More of the usual political garbage for the exception of those two that you mentioned who exposed some truths with strength and some sense of conviction. Very surprised that many support a person with such a disgraced history as a political person of importance. Does not make any sense in a logical world. Great sketches, as always. I was somewhat unwell last night and the so call ‘debate would have taken me down the hill.

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Liza Donnelly

I meant appalling, not "appealing". Posts need and edit function within a certain time (maybe one minute) after posting.

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Well, if you didn't watch the GOP presidential debate, your critique that the candidates "are so transparent in their positions and lack of intelligent thinking" is deservedly dismissible. How would you know...?

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The video clips of the next day say it all. Never thought a republican mind could change at all.

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Not surprised you got their expressions so perfectly. (Actually caught some clips Rachel Maddow highlighted in group discussion). Doubt any of these candidates have a chance in hell. There must be a mark on a doorway somewhere that notes: “Must be this pedantic to get on stage”

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Aug 24, 2023Liked by Liza Donnelly

If this is the best of American politicians vying to be presidential, God help us.

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Wonderful drawings. Horrible people. But only two: Christie and Asa refused to pledge to vote for any R even if its tRump. And that show of hands came AFTER the discussion about tfg having stated he will suspend the Constitution if he wins.

So Nikki’s “normalcy” is just a veneer - shes a crackpot trumper who would vote for a president who wants to piss on the Constitution, and on the American people.

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I wondered about Nikki. Did she pledge to vote for T? I missed that.

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Sadly, yes. I think she knows she can't win, but is positioning herself to be Veep. For tRump. Oy... It's all so depressing.

I'm ready to never see his face, hear his voice, or learn anything about him except that he's in jail or dead. He has so polluted our media with his toxic presence... We need to ghost him.

What was it he said about covid? "One day it will just disappear, poof, as if it had never been." Or something like that. Anyway, that's precisely how this country can begin healing. Poof! he just disappears from our airwaves, social media, dinner table convos...

PS... this is just me bitching in agony. I realize we need to collectively process all the horror around us. But really... Rachel Maddow was brilliant during Covid when we had the orange menace ruining our lives. She never showed his image, never played a recording of his voice, and only briefly summed up any urgent info about him quickly and then she carried on with the rest of the program. It was the only news show I could stomach in those days.

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You pretty much summed up my take on the debate. Haley seemed the most presidential and honest, criticizing both Trump and the Republican party. Interestingly, a CNN watch party consisting of 12 Republcan undecideds thought Vivaswamy and Haley were the night's winners. Two opposites in temperament and positions. None thought Pense or DeSantis won.

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Liza Donnelly

Vivaswamy was not the winner,but the most Trumpian to shout and threaten unthinkable things in previous times. No doubt he would try to to accommodate judicial incumbents to his ideological personal ideas and backwards thinking in the improbable outcome of him been elected. Isn’t this what I feared the circus would be about? He Was the mirror to which Nikki Haley responded to reflect her own ideas.

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Well put, he wasn't the winner, he was just the loudest.

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Lovely sketches L! Thanks!!!

Hard to be enthusiastic about the crew you sketch so wonderfully, or the way money and anger have become so powerful in the Rep party. (Yes, dems are swayed by money also--but most do offer inclusive visions of community).

Lets build caring communities and wave away these money-based media diversions. Come to Vermont!!! Let Liza draw scenes of people from across the country playing in streams and sharing garden grown vegetables. Carrots bigger than three year olds. (Well, almost).

Take Amtrak. Wednesday nights in tiny Marshfield and Friday night in even smaller Adamant. Another world is possible.

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Vermont is wonderful. As is Maine! New Hampshire. A lovely part of our country!

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Well, Pence's "sanctimonious Christianity" (whatever that means) may be off-putting to some, but sanctimony is hardly in short supply on the other side of the political divide. Recall, for example, how masking and social distancing, both as we now know futile in medical/scientific terms, became during the pandemic a badge of virtue among progressives. There was some bullying sanctimony for you.

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I don't recall masking being like that? A badge? It was personal preference.

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Sure it was, for some people. It signaled that they were on the side of Facts and Science. And if you questioned the efficacy of masking, those people were quick to revile you as a murderer. Nor was it a personal preference: Mask mandates were imposed. But as we now know, all the playacting—mask mandates, social distancing, lockdowns—was largely ineffective.

In the early days of the pandemic, overreactions were excusable. But when more information came to light, for instance that children were not at high risk from COVID, nothing changed. So-called public health experts and the teachers' unions still insisted on keeping the schools closed or, if they were opened, demanded mask mandates for students and the like. It was, in a word, madness. And who paid the price? America's children. It's no wonder that trust and confidence in this country's institutions have evaporated.

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Ramaswamy’s “sheer arrogance and white teeth.” Love this! 😂🥾

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We are building community almost anywhere--well outside NE.

I remember young kids swinging from rusty poles on a city subway station one night this summer. They were ecstatic!! Their joy was powerful! I was visiting an artist friend friend who loves her coop-community in the west side 30s.

We need to reach over barriers and borders with bridges of genuine care and connection. Your drawings, vibrant heart and this site link us!.

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So true! It's about connection, isn't it?

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Aug 25, 2023Liked by Liza Donnelly

Liza having a wonky thought. Might you want to 'play' with IT?

The booking mugshot of Trump. All over the news, etc.

There is a small indentation of sorts on his nose. Every time is SEE it,

there is a long(er) nose emerging from it. Like a log or branch.

Like Pinocchio's???!!! I'd be ANGRY if that grew out on my face, too. Smiles..

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We have hearts that can span divides. But our lives are often not connected. We need to connect and build bridges. This site is a bridge. Liza offers us pics and a few words about "every day" women/men of all backgrounds and colors! So many others we can joyfully imagine!!!

Let's remember Rosa Parks, Fannie Lou Hamer as well as the couple that run the bodega or manage the subway station or ride the train or join us at the parks and beaches......We need more connection in our lives. Thank you Liza for your personal touch and gifts....

I'd vote for an Orange Free Zone, if you will for a few weeks! (LOL) Good morning to all!!!

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Bob, I hope this site is a bridge, but I wonder if most of the people here are similar in thought to me. But I try to represent visually people different than me, even if I cannot understand what it's like to be in their shoes. Thank you for your kind words your encouragement and enthusiasm!

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Differences, even strong disagreements, are welcomed--even as powerful systems and individuals churn difference into hate and bitterness.

People everywhere are coming together--as they can. I listen with joy as we learn about the women of color-- judges and prosecutors and attorney generals--who will protect our freedoms in the face of T's life history of hate. I know that DeSantis demonization of trans students (including my powerful union activist daughter) is rejected by most. Communities of color have done much to build this country, since and after slavery. GLBTQ+ activists have built safety for so many in the last half century. These efforts are often not noted in the traditional media.

We can find meaningful ways to dismantle hate and exploitation in our hearts, lives and communities. Share our sketches, our stories, our advances and failures. Liz' site is a lovely enclave for rejuvenation. Your joy and humor enriches us all. Together we are powerful.

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Well said!!!

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