I am 82 so it was a LONG time ago when I first heard tha t expression, "a woman's right to choose" and said this is awful. I knew this would lead to issues. The MS magazine crowd were bossy Jews who didn't understand that most American women lived to produce babies and help their husbands. This expression makes women seem selfish when, in fact. they are helping save babies from been unwanted. Rural Christian white women hate urban jewish females. That's a fact.

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Not sure I understand what you’re saying?

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Jan 22Liked by Liza Donnelly

I don’t think so! I am also of “advanced age” ( good grief!!) and remember when a woman’s right to choose was first used. So many women in so many different situations have always chosen to abort and will continue to do so. We have always just wanted the choice to be safe. It is never a flippant choice and most often a very difficult decision!! But it is a decision /choice that a woman must be safe to make. We are living in a time of misogyny that is very bad!!!

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Jan 23Liked by Liza Donnelly

Catya, I so agree. I am thankful every day that I have had access to contraceptives and to a legal and safe abortion when I became pregnant in my 20s. My mother, who didn’t have those choices, had six children and it broke her. The thought of women being forced back into lives of perpetual pregnancy makes me livid.

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A woman’s right to choose is a bad slogan

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Jan 22Liked by Liza Donnelly

Thanks (respectfully disagree though)

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It’s a wonderfully evocative drawing of a serious woman who is (I’m guessing) either reading the news online or prepping for an upcoming meeting in the humming cocoon of a train ride.

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Jan 22Liked by Liza Donnelly

Liza - concur with all you say. We cannot tolerate a rollback of our individual rights.

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The most offensive thing re the conservatives on the Supreme Court is how they have crafted (over the years) the legal theory that enumerated rights are superior to non enumerated rights. The irony here is that in the text of the 9th amendment, it states the following: “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.” So if you really do believe in following the text, then you can't maintain that.

I bring this up, because the conservatives knew that they wanted to erase the legacy of the Warren Court and the liberal courts that followed, where implied rights were respected. And re Roe v Wade, the right was privacy. And.... if we look at the America of our founders, they certainly understood something that is very much the right of privacy - or what does "don't tread on me" mean. Or what is the protection against unreasonable search and seizure? These ideas suggest a notion of privacy, or being left alone that Scotus decided to ignore. Especially because the rights were possessed in this case by women who were granted less respect then.

Conservatives should be ashamed of many of their decisions. The second amendment has been exaggerated unbelievably is a similarly bizarre set of reasons.

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I love the drawing, Liza, and seems just right for your subject—the woman hunched over, as though oppressed, though she was probably cold! I do believe that Biden and Harris are right to remind people that Trump is responsible for overturning Roe. Women of both parties care deeply about this, and Biden and Harris need to do it now. Maybe it will help with the youth vote?

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Jan 23·edited Jan 23Liked by Liza Donnelly

I really don't feel politicians....especially men....should have the right to tell women what they can and can't do with their own bodies. I am so very afraid we are heading toward a Handmaid's Tale society, banned books, banned abortion, lessening of focus on diversity. Then there's AI....sending out messages using Biden's voice...though it isn't him. These are super scary times. That's why we need humor to bolster us and give us a break from this madness. Oh yes, and there's ice cream....frigid temperatures be damned. I'm having Carvel ice cream cake tomorrow for my birthday, and I may just eat the whole thing.

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Happy birthday, Allia!

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The choices that men have, women are finally getting their due. Voting, working for a just a reasonable wage, and medical choices ie, reproductive choices. I imagine the government saying that there are too many people, and fewer resources therefore all men must have a vasectomy after their 2nd child. That would cause a violent reaction. Or anyone guilty of rape should have the same restriction, one strike you are castrated. That of course would never happen here...or could it?

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Jan 23Liked by Liza Donnelly

We are so deeply conditioned to servility and, for many (generation after generation) without even knowing it, to defend the patriarchy. Combined with belief in 'femininity', poor education and lifelong fatigue from non-stop unpaid work, motivation will be challenging.

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Jan 24Liked by Liza Donnelly

Thank you. I gave my husband a couple of slices....but I at the lion's share of the ice cream cake....and I don't care who knows it.

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I LOVE (as does my husband) ice cream cake.

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