Jun 13Liked by Liza Donnelly

The life of every young girl and woman is at risk if they get their way.

We won’t go back.

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Nope. It's horendous and frightening.

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Franklin Roosevelt, when he defined the Four Freedoms, left a lot unsaid. Freedom for women to choose, to not be abused or held back from their dreams, are among the biggest ones we still have to fight for. And also remember that this means fighting for ALL women, of all ages, races, and sexual orientations. Sounds like a lot, but it shouldn't be.

When I was young, it never occurred to me that my Baby Boomer generation was going to become the problem. What happened to us, or to so many of us?

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Agreed. I don't know, but its funny when you asked that question I thought, wait, we're not the problem!! But some of us are, you're right.

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Jun 13Liked by Liza Donnelly

Liza, your work is so important! Yes,” we’re not out of the woods.” But we’re going to win on Nov 5, and in large part because of the War on Women! 💪💙

I “met” you on Jess Craven’s site, and I hope it’s ok to share her link and other activists who truly inspire and encourage me to activate, often with a healthy does of humor and optimism.You, of course, included.

💙Jess Craven


💙Robert Hubbell


💙Simon Rosenberg


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Of course, thank you!!

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Jun 13Liked by Liza Donnelly

Great drawing, Liza.

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Thanks, D.L.

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Jun 13Liked by Liza Donnelly

A-men, sis-tah. This is so reminiscent of The Handmaid's Tale. It's so very scary. I do hope women will wake up before it's too late. But the good news is: there's you. And I am so very grateful for your insight. That there are women like you who have an audience and are willing to use it to right a wrong is helpful..

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Thank you, Kitty.

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Re: abortion strip cartoon... After my initial astonishment, I was faced with several questions. Why would what appears to be a pre-schooler ask her mother this question (aside from the fact she is a cartoon character and not a pre-school girl at all). It's alarming that the concept of abortion trips is something about which the cartoon girl is curious. This is intended, no doubt, but still an unwelcome thought.

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Jun 14Liked by Liza Donnelly

I just paid for a subscription because I have to speak to this. That horse has been out of the barn soooo long, I’m reminded of the old Cialis ad on television that prompted a Doonesbury cartoon “Mama, on vacation, will you and Dad sit in two bathtubs?”, or something like that. The world is not going backwards except in some red states.

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I'm not sure if we saw the same cartoon. Two bath tubs? My point, no not even a point, I just have mild discomfort with the setup of the cartoon. Putting an adult's concern into the mouth of a child for comic affect bothers me. Perhaps I should have simply said so.

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I believe I’m as concerned about the adult situations that show up in children’s media as anyone else, but I believe any child who hears the news is asking parents to explain more and more. That was true with the witch hunt over Bill and Monica and has been true for everything in this polarized country since. That communication between parents and children is what matters, not the content.

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IT's not supposed to be funny. At All.

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Thank you, Joan. I recall that drawing!

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Exactly. The idea that she would even think about such a thing.

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Good cartoons. I consider their constant us of standing as a way out of addressing problems cowardly. But I'm certainly relieved by the resul.t

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Awww….the little girl is so touching. This is all so anti-woman. It has never been about abortion so much as about women, men’s resentment of their independence from men, and, I think, about women hating women and resenting their freedom of choice, which the resentful women didn’t have. Trump isn’t alone in thinking women need to be punished.

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Jun 14Liked by Liza Donnelly

I don't know what to say except that I am very frightened. Thank you for continually speaking out.

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Jun 14Liked by Liza Donnelly

Thank you for speaking out so consistently about this upcoming election. I tried to think of what I can do and the number one thing I have come up with is to not stay silent when a person is pro-Trump or a non-voter in my immediate orbit. I try to have a conversation with them by staying informed and you help me keep in mind all the many things we are fighting for and the humor

Sometimes needed to open a dialogue about a serious topic. Your cartoons and their captions are sound bites for the dialogue; a gift I feel you have given me. I hope your messages are getting through to the ‘non-choir’. Amplifying what you do more broadly would be a thing of beauty. Work for the Biden/harris campaign live drawing and having them publish in their media? 😊 I am trying out here one person at a time. I think I convinced two young ‘non-voters’ to vote for Biden through about 30 -40 minutes of conversation each. (I love eating at restaurants that have bar stools alone when my husband is away.) I have to create hope through action. You do it every day. Sending 💕 for your talent and ‘voice’.

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Thank you so much, Ursula. Your comments help me keep going, most definitely. Knowing I am making some kind of difference. I would love to do something for the Biden campaign! I just would not know how to get through..... ANway, sending warm regards back.

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