Drawing is relaxing when pen touches paper and lines emerge into recognizable shapes. Liza, have you seen the CurvaPen? It's unique feature is a pen point that resembles something a dentist uses. I just bought a pair and they work well for fine line drawing and writing.
What was the pen you used here, Liza? It makes deliberate lines. The drama? After doing the dishes the day after Thanksgiving, I could not find the TV remote! All that work and now my reward! We looked everywhere! Lo and behold : ), it was under the dishpan, enduring a 3 hour hot water and soap bath. Drying it out and leaving it over a heat vent overnight was the cure.
I just bought a Pentel brush pen and a whole set of 56 two-sided brush pens because I can never have too many art supplies! Watching you draw a man doing Thai Chi, it occurred to me that he could look like Chairman Mao with his Little Red Book on the ground. Wikipedia has a nice book cover with Mao's” picture on it for reference. The caption could be, “Even dictators need to relax” or something to that effect. Lacy wanted me to add photos of her to use as a model for dogs but I don't see a way to add photos here. I love your doodles and how it gives you ideas for cartoons.
So relaxing
Drawing is relaxing when pen touches paper and lines emerge into recognizable shapes. Liza, have you seen the CurvaPen? It's unique feature is a pen point that resembles something a dentist uses. I just bought a pair and they work well for fine line drawing and writing.
No, I don't know that! Will go see right now....
So interesting to see how you free-associate -- streaming and mashed potatoes!
(We never have left-over mashed potatoes.) I'm going to try to be less linear and four-square now. Thanks!
What was the pen you used here, Liza? It makes deliberate lines. The drama? After doing the dishes the day after Thanksgiving, I could not find the TV remote! All that work and now my reward! We looked everywhere! Lo and behold : ), it was under the dishpan, enduring a 3 hour hot water and soap bath. Drying it out and leaving it over a heat vent overnight was the cure.
It's a pentel pen brush. Love it. Hope your remote recovered well!! So funny.
I just bought a Pentel brush pen and a whole set of 56 two-sided brush pens because I can never have too many art supplies! Watching you draw a man doing Thai Chi, it occurred to me that he could look like Chairman Mao with his Little Red Book on the ground. Wikipedia has a nice book cover with Mao's” picture on it for reference. The caption could be, “Even dictators need to relax” or something to that effect. Lacy wanted me to add photos of her to use as a model for dogs but I don't see a way to add photos here. I love your doodles and how it gives you ideas for cartoons.
Thank you!! ENjoy your pen brush. I also LOVE supplies.....