President Biden would have no shame in turning over the campaign to someone younger. All he has accomplished - he has reason to be proud of his achievements. Better to go out on top !

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President Biden is the Democratic candidate. His campaign has a $100 million+ bank account. No one else — except Kamala — can touch it. She’s on his side (me, too!) Four months to the election. This is our game, let’s win it! 🇺🇸

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People wish me a happy 4th. I find it totally incongruous with what is happening. I want to turn to them and say “Really?”

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you are not alone in that feeling. maybe the last 4th we have to celebrate freedom ?

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Jul 4Liked by Liza Donnelly

Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson, Madison, ...

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Hi Liza and Compatriot readers, (Great post and I love, "He looks worried.") Perhaps you've read today Civil Discourse by Joyce Vance. She is in a conversation with Congressman Jared Huffman, co-chair with Jamie Raskin on the task force to strongly respond to the agenda of Project 2025. The article heartened me and gave me some hope. I'm pasting the link below this note. (It's my second try--I mistakenly put the link to your post Liza 🙃! ) Wishing all of us a good share of hope and goodness. https://open.substack.com/pub/joycevance/p/five-questions-with-congressman-jared?r=rp9kb&utm_medium=ios (https://open.substack.com/pub/joycevance/p/five-questions-with-congressman-jared?r=rp9kb&utm_medium=ios)

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Thank you, Robert. I love Jamie Raskin, tenatious guy. Happy weekend.

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Jamie Raskin is amazing. The real thing. One of the exceptional representatives and a beautiful human being!

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Worry all around.

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The Right usurped the flag as a patriotic symbol way back during Vietnam. I've been skeptical about flags, flag pins, not to mention WEARING the flag as showing anything about true patriotism. For way to many showing off thus is merely performative. (This is not to say everyone; the flag just doesn't do it for ME). And some is still nauseating: I give you the Trump Hug.

I prefer to express my patriotism with what I do or say substantively. Basically--this country was founded on ideals that seem to me to be, well, self-evident as the saying goes. We haven't ACHIEVED those but for a swath of my life we were moving towards achievement. The Constitution is turning out to be problematic in how clunky it is in addressing some modern problems--even more now that the Extremes have cherry-picked it like a horde of ravenous birds. There are now problems the Founders couldn't have imagined would happen and without a crystal ball didn't foresee how to deal with. . But the IDEA behind the Constitution, not its methods in many ways, is what I am proud of and keeping that IDEA in front of us is what makes us patriots.

Happy Fourth, everyone. Celebrate it by at least making your arguments on at least one Substack post.

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Jul 5Liked by Liza Donnelly

Truly, with respect: I'm not sure how you mean "usurped": the political right did not overthrow the flag, or replace it with some other symbol... Myself and other "hippies" during that era, definitely a left-leaning bunch, used the flag in many ways that people considered outlandish or disrespectful (generally, incorporating it into our clothing, headbands, etc.) In truth we were not ridiculing or disdaining the flag at all: we were actually deeply patriotic, in the sense that we really did believe in the founding principles of America; what made people think otherwise at the time was that "patriotism" had come to mean "support whatever your government does, no matter how corrupt or hypocritical it is." Or as some put it back then, "Love it or leave it." This is eerily similar to how the MAGA right today is saying that lefties, Democrats, are "destroying America..." And, per what I think you may have meant, those who fly the flag these days seem to be claiming it as the exclusive property of the MAGA right, seem to believe that flying the flag is pledging allegiance to the MAGA version of America. None for me, thanks. Like you, I will express my patriotism like I always have: by speaking out, standing up, voting.

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Yes, maybe usurped is the wrong word. It's just they take is and make it represent that THEY are they only patriotic people in the US, their way of thinking is the right way.

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I agree, Liza! Since Trump and his rioter “patriots” stormed the capitol on January 6 using the American flag as their symbol, the flag has become a statement of Trumpism. Now, every time I see the flag displayed conspicuously, I think MAGA. Sad this has happened, since, for me, the flag used to represent love for one’s country!

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I mean gathered into their own camp any “real” meaning of the flag as if they defined it, and I meant folks like Barry Goldwater and Richard Nixon and his ilk, including sadly my step-rather. I agree that many uses of the flag by us protestors were expressing our patriotism which had way more to do with ideals and trying to accomplish them, but we didn’t use it so SMUGLY, not to mention hollowly, as those who thought war was a more important idea. Perhaps my reaction has been tainted by said step-father.

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Jul 4Liked by Liza Donnelly

Unfortunately, voters do not know if President Biden's debate performance was a bad night or a sign of mental decline. All we have is assurances, sometimes conflicting, from the presidents circle that the president is fine and will not drop out. I will vote for whomever the Democrats put up again Trump, so will all democrats and approximately half the independents. What about the people on the fence in the states that will determine the outcome of the election? What bothers me is that if the President is fine, why didn't he have a press conference within 48 hours and take questions from reporters to put all this conjecture to rest? Why will the only public interaction between the president and the press be a friendly interview nine days after the debate? At this important juncture in history do we want Trump as president? If you had a choice between your allegiance to President Biden and a lost election or the president stepping down and Trump losing, what would your choice be? As much as everyone wants to press on with wishful thinking, I believe that we have to choose which path to take.

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Jul 5Liked by Liza Donnelly

Thanks to Mr. Ogner for posting the article by Joy Vance. If anyone here hasn't heard or read about Project 2025, please read up on it. It's very very scary and we can't stand by and say nothing. Thanks for mentioning it Liza.

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Jul 5Liked by Liza Donnelly

Oh, the irony: this country was founded by people who wanted an alternative to absolute monarchy, where kings (and queens) were above the law. As I was attempting the Jimi Hendrix version of the Star Spangled Banner today, I asked myself, "Well, does it? It still waves over something, but the land of the free? We'll see..."

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Jul 5Liked by Liza Donnelly

A great read on the origins of the American Civil War: Madness Rules the Hour: Charleston, 1860 and the Mania for War. An excellent example of media whipping the masses, set in the age of newsprint.

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Jul 5Liked by Liza Donnelly

As the LM presumably portrays AL before he was assassinated, perhaps he should look worried. Chatter on the net avers that Rushmore looks worried as well.

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MAGA flag waving feels more like a threat than an act of patriotism.

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A nearby house here in Western Mass. has a large American Flag pasted on the outside wall of their house (very road-visible), with a big sign above it: Support Democracy. I am thinking of copying them.

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