Thank you, Liza. It was an historical night.

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Liza, you made the week come alive for all your readers. I don't want the week to end, but your contributions will be long remembered. Now, we've got to get Kamala elected. I've made so many donations to the Dem's cause, my bank is now a subsidiary of ActBlue. But worth it.

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"a subsidiary of ActBlue" haha. Nice. Me, too.

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Same here -but we’re on the homestretch at least!

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Love the optimism, I’ve caught it - and I can see you feel it too!

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Best convention acceptance speech I have ever heard as well.

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I just can't imagine Kamala not being president.

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You brought it home and to us. Can't tell you how much we appreciate you 😊

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A wonderful summation of an amazing night, with illustrations to match. We are in this together. And now we must carry this spirit as our voices are heard.

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Once again you are my first news of the DNC from the previous night.

(Each night we have had plans with family. Last night, we hosted a lobster dinner for our visiting (from CA) godson and three of his friends from college who came to Maine to gather and see one another again...so we could not watch. We sat to eat at 9:30 pm after the 'kids' had a day in Portland and we treated them to a porch sit for sunset over beautiful Casco Bay. Always family first, even if I so longed to watch the convention. Today they leave for Acadia to hike. My husband asked them about the future, they all said, I'm optimistic! How lovely to hear from this group of three young engineers and an industrial designer. The possibility of the future they felt was within grasp for our nation and for peace and for all people if community prevailed and came together to support one another. Mind you, this was before the speech and not one of them had watched the convention, but they do use social media.)

I find I actually have loved that I see your drawings first each morning and then followed my way around the internet to see some speeches or snipits. Thank you for the link to Kamala Harris' speech today. We're Not Going Back!

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Liza, I have so enjoyed a morning read of your live drawing of the DNC. Right on all the way. (Comma-la was wearing blue!) Amazing how you captured so many key points from each of the show-stopping speakers!

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Gabby Giffords was so inspiring to me in all she has overcome.No excuses! GOTV everyone. Please do whatever is in your comfort zone…


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Elizabeth Warren is a national treasure. Thank you Liza. I'm loving these daily excerpts.

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"Just imagine Donald Trump with no guard rails." Oh My Dog..... A nightmare....a true nightmare. I vividly remember the night he was elected, I kept saying something must be wrong with the tally, and I stayed up hoping and praying that the tide would turn. I was a wreck when I went to bed, staring at the ceiling until dawn, shaking my head. How Can This Be Happening? Well, I WILL be shaking my head come November, but it will be up and down in a Yes, Yes, Yes, Thanks be to God movement. What a night. Thanks, as always, for the hopeful, joyous drawings and insight. xoxox

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Thank you for the link to Kamala Harris’ speech. We weren’t near a television last night and missed it I just read it through the link and am so impressed. Your drawings have been helpful all along to capture some of the speeches I missed and I now have seen what happened earlier than prime time here on the West Coast. You must need a good rest after your working long hours in Chicago. I hope to read your thoughts soon.

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