Trust your eyes, Liza. You saw something in his eyes, something haunting him. and now the Iranians. Extrajudicial murder seemed like a good idea.....

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I don’t think Trump includes anyone else other than him and his circle when we used “we.” I doubt very much RFK being part of the “we” was even on his noggin. And he did sound quite the same as if he hasn’t gone through the trauma of being shot. Yeah… the RNC was all performance… and our press lapped it up!

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Such a pair. If we can’t decisively defeat them, we will not have earned 4 more years of Democracy. They are toxic frauds and hopefully the last big gasp of misogynistic white narcissists who are intent on destroying this Country and Ukraine and abandoning our European Allie’s to the murderous little bastard in Russia.

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Jul 16Liked by Liza Donnelly

Thank you, Liza, for your probing commentary and especiallly for the brilliant drawing.

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Thank you, Chuck.

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Jul 16Liked by Liza Donnelly

I feel sick about it. Like darkness is coalescing. Not that it wasn't already. I know good people have to stand up against it, and I do, and will, but are there enough of us? I didn't understand people who don't want to know about the news, and I get it now. It's a lot to carry. We have to rest, not quit. The story isn't over yet.

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Wendy, take heart because you're not hearing heart from the MSM as you probably well know. I call us the Great Middle so we have to encourage each other no matter what party monikers we might carry.

This is the time to connect, not divide or allow others to divide us anyway.

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I think that Trump, if he wins, will appoint Judge Cannon to the Supreme Court if there’s an opening. God help us if he gets back in. These days, I feel as though I’m staring into the abyss. I don’t recognize my country.

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Jul 16Liked by Liza Donnelly

Liza, thank you. Again, as with the trial, you deserve combat pay

Vance says everything there is to say about the innate contempt with which the RNC holds women.

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Keep a glass of wine handy!

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Jul 16Liked by Liza Donnelly

I view JD Vance as a gift. He is an inexperienced,Ultra MAGA politician.

It’s up to all of us to help shout out what JD Vance is about!📣

Ultra short TikTIk showing JD Vance speaking the words Liza shared:


Sharing again this 1 min video by the Seneca Project.Remember, JD Vance and the GOP support this:


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Jul 17Liked by Liza Donnelly

His relationship with Peter Thiel - many sources, including The New Yorker, and here is one:


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Jul 16Liked by Liza Donnelly

You connected a lot of things in this column with your pithy observations. Especially the ugly RFKJr connection and his [now deleted!] conversation with trump (if it actually happened it shows some close coordination between them.) Your observations about trump are really perceptive. I think that we are watching contrived theatre-in-the-round, milking the audience in every way. This is why I love your letter.

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Jul 16Liked by Liza Donnelly

Liza, I'm one of those people who needs to keep a bit of distance on the political scene -- I get the gist but can't stare at it. I'm too prone to spiraling and losing sleep. I SO appreciate following you, peeking from behind you, as it were. Thank you for your unflinching courage, your willingness to help me (and likely others) to titrate the whole ghastly scene. Keep on keeping on, please. And thanks.

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Paula, keeping your health is primary partly anyway because we have to keep counting on it in this situation to get us to the next better ones.

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Thank you, Paula. I am glad to help and hope to continue as best I can.

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You’re correct that Judge Cannon’s dismissal of the classified documents case was not based on the merits of the case. It was based, rather, on the fact that the so-called independent prosecutor, Jack Smith, was appointed by Attorney General Garland in violation of the Appointments Clause of the Constitution.

To state the matter briefly, officers and officials of the executive branch can be appointed in one of two ways. One is presidential nomination and Senate confirmation. The other is the establishment of the position by act of Congress with presidential concurrence. Jack Smith’s appointment falls into neither of these categories. Supposedly he’s an independent prosecutor, but there’s no provision in the Constitution or any statute for such an office. Smith has no standing to act as an officer or official of the executive branch, and the Attorney General has to power to designate him as such.

If no one is above the law, then Jack Smith has no business prosecuting Donald Trump. Garland should have picked someone else, e.g. a current US Attorney or qualified senior Justice Department official. Why do you suppose he didn’t do that?

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You maybe left some Kool-Aid in the glass, Thomas. Is there a provision for a chief of staff?

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Yes, there is. The White House Chief of Staff—officially titled Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff—is the head of the Executive Office of the President of the United States, which was originally established by act of Congress in 1939. With a few exceptions, the senior officials of the Executive Office do not require Senate confirmation, but their status is defined in law.

Care for some Kool-Aid?

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Jul 16Liked by Liza Donnelly

Making America 1850 Again

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Jul 17Liked by Liza Donnelly

I agree with everything you said. Looking forward to your drawings. I watched a little bit of it earlier but was too put off by the lack of diversity in the crowd as the camera panned. Then the speakers. ICK!!

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If you're old enough or historical enough you might realize that we have been in Mission Creep a creepiness that has been with us since the dawn of whatever. This one has its roots in the dissatisfactions of ruley-elitey

types wherever and whenever we find them rising up. (Check into their upbringings will you?)

This one since the Great Depression and one of their own - FDR - seemingly abandoning their glossy wishes. By actually working to keep people alive and healthy and housed and fed and jobbed.

Imagine that!

Just remember they always make more noise to try to look superior and stronger and to believe their own shit. Been following them myself for oh 89 years now. And it does wake us up doesn't it?

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Jul 17Liked by Liza Donnelly

I wasn't able to respond to your last post until tonight, and boy oh boy, am I glad to see you changed your mind. What you saw on TV the other night when he was introduced was an Oscar-winning performance. Has anyone interviewed Margaret Atwood (The Handmaid's Tale) about JD and this scary turn of events? I'd love to hear her thoughts. Meantime, I so very much appreciate your sorting this out for us. You're the best and we rely on you.

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Thank you, Allia. It's hard to take but I think I need to expose us to it in some fashion.

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Jul 17Liked by Liza Donnelly

Well, I had to turn off the radio and the TV because I was getting too upset and couldn't think straight. One thing that truly got my blood pressure boiling was a quote from the orange man that God saved him so he could bring the country together. I had to stop after that one. I want to stay informed, but I want to remain sane, and I don't know if those two are mutually exclusive. That's why I am so grateful to get your insight, though I know it must really be tough to listen to. On the positive side, though, there's your documentary to think about, and that makes me smile.

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Thank you, Kitty. It really so hard to listen to it all, all the lies and manipulation. I am happy to draw it, it's harder to make commentary I find just because all they say are lies and hateful things.

Yes, I am so excited about the film!! Thank you:)

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