Trump is a 50s guy-- like Sinatra. They really charmed women before feminism. They like women a long as the women love them.

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I asked by Stanford buddy Claude, who seems to have read almost everything on the Internet (because Claude is an AI). Here's what I got There is no definitive source for the quote "there are many feminisms." Some possibilities for the origin of this general sentiment:

1) The quote may be referring to the idea that feminism encompasses a diverse range of perspectives, experiences, and theoretical frameworks. This expresses that feminism should not be viewed as a single, monolithic movement or ideology. The diversity of feminist thought is sometimes captured in the broader concept of "feminisms" (plural).

2) The specific phrase could potentially be attributed to any number of feminist scholars, activists, or writers emphasizing an intersectional or multifaceted view of feminism. However, I have not located any exact match to this concise quote attributed to a particular named individual.

3) Similar statements can be found in academic writing discussing divisions or "waves" within feminism. For example, in her 1992 book "Second Wave Feminism," Linda Nicholson refers to exploring "the many feminisms that constitute the second wave."

So in summary, while the general sentiment of multiple feminisms is a well-established one in writing and theory, an exact match to the specific succinct quote "there are many feminisms" does not yield a clear, singular source based on my search. It may be a summarizing paraphrase of more complex discussions of feminist thought diversity.

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I completely agree with you about (well, everything, but also) Barbie. I have been a feminist and very focused on empowering women for decades, and that movie grated on me for many reasons, and mostly because it was boring. I’ve been made to feel I’m somehow unenlightened for hating that movie. (I also hated what Gerwig did to Little Women. The 1994 version of that film is perfection.) Thanks for sharing your voice. I look forward to your piece every day.

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I love the two feminism-related cartoons. I like to think of myself as a feminist, or at least an egalitarian, but my female co-founder of two anti-racist charitable orgs keeps calling me out for having a lot of old school white maleism. This is going to sound horrible, but it's not because I think being white or being male makes me superior, but that being ME make me superior, including superior to most other white males. I don't go strutting around (unlike Trump) but I tend to trust my own opinions because if I don't have good cause to trust them, their not my opinions, just thoughts, sometimes under-informed thoughts. I think a significant proportion of people of all kinds feel this way about themselves, but that's not a reliable sign that they're (or I'm) right about it. What IS a sign is the humility to say when you don't know, or aren't sure; another sign is to be able to back up your opinions with decent reasons -- these characteristics being very non-Trumpian, but possessed by a lot of women and people of color, and hell, even some white males. If you now feel like throwing a cream pie in my face, please make it chocolate cream pie, so we both get something out of it.

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I don’t know you but here’s to healthy egos. Notice the ‘healthy’ - why not enjoy who you are when you are willing to put in the work. Know before you speak. Ask if you don’t know. Help if you can but at least don’t harm. Don’t be a jackass. (My stipulations to my kids, unspoken rules for those I call friends, hopefully me) so feminism isn’t one thing or the other but the right to be who you are, unapologetic, no need for excuses, determination over your choices - all

of them.

My sister chose to be girly. I was a tomboy. Some women chose to be partners to men, some to women. To be as free (though it’s an illusion) as men are.

That’s feminism.

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Seems to me your'e being a great mother. Too many peole NEVER learn those things.

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That’s very kind of you to say, Chuck. (I also threatened to dance in public if they didn’t behave so… )

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Liza - all the cartoons speak to me. Just excellent, every single one.

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My wife is my thorn, and I love her for it.

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I love the second cartoon of Trump standing on a tower of women's backs. And I fell asleep durng Barbie.

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Thank you Lisa for your important illustrations and wise words. Trumps words like his life is a troubling spectacle of intersecting violences. He is truly dangerous in many ways that we need not enumerate. our work? Talk read share organize build movement and organization of peace and determination.

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Safe travels! Love the idea of many feminisms 😊

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Let’s add Roberta Kaplan, E. Jean Carroll’s lead lawyer, to the women toppling Trump.

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oh yes, she's brilliant!!

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