Feb 10Liked by Liza Donnelly

Great commentary! The subject is dear to my heart because I spent a large chunk of my career at newspapers and magazines. I believe in the media, but The New York Times and others are not doing a good job covering the presidential election. Just yesterday I shared that exact sentiment with the Times when I canceled my digital subscription. I hated to do it, I said, but I'd had enough.

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Thank you! It’s all suspect, we have to be discerning….

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Feb 10Liked by Liza Donnelly

Very well put, Liza. Some journalists seem out for blood over the slightest thing lately. And, as you say, ignore the huge snake or satanic one in our midst. The huge and continuing support for the Orange One bothers me most. It’s like the Civil War still lives in us as a nation.

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Thank you.

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“…there will also be new generations of journalists willing to leap into an unsteady industry because they think explaining the world around them is worthwhile.”

And older generations of journalists who still carry the flag high… I was hired last year as a senior producer to tell stories the other affiliates weren’t, and paid well to do so. I was to craft longer-form content that gave perspective and depth. Investigative series programming with the time and resources to do it right. So excited— at last, getting away from “if it bleeds, it leads.”

But then, on the eve of signing a multi-year contract that was delayed because of math errors* (!!) I learned I was going to be required to do what they’d always done. Maybe at some point in the future, they said, I could do those things I was hired for. This was never brought up in multiple interviews. We had all thought it a great fit but I left after a few weeks. Still bummed about it but it was absolutely the right move.

*The math calculated annual salary as hourly ($$$$&$!) so the contract kept making the rounds at corporate, hence the delay that allowed me to leave before being locked in.

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Oh ugh. Disappointing.

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I contacted Clare Malone on LinkedIn and said how the Media can prosper if they only do what they refuse to address: Give Americans context. Most don't even know basic numbers: what percentage are transgender? How many Jews in the world? How many people die annually? etc. And 5000 other bits they need to know to THINK. But journalists hide this info since they believe that if the numbers are small their stories will not be read.

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Feb 10Liked by Liza Donnelly

Welcome to the Age Of Algorithms. Everything, SubStack included, is driven by the Like🤎 button. The algorithm sees you clicked 🤎 on Seeing Things so it pops up a recommendation for other like sites. Your screen habits are a gold mine data.

The news media no longer report stories for their audience to think ponder. The media twists stories to get the most likes. Read FilterWorld by Mule Chayka. People worry about AI, but the algorithms are deeply embedded in our thoughts.

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Kyle Chayka, the spell check algorithm doesn't always like when I diss it's kin folk.

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Feb 10Liked by Liza Donnelly

Thanks for saying this, Liza!

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Thanks, Walt!

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Thanks for those thoughts. I am of the opinion that most of the general public will realize sooner or later what a fake and con man tRump actually is. I sure hope that’s the case. All the media MUST publish all his LIES possibly with fox “ news” the exception. They will continue until the ratings drop out of sight. President Biden should take tRump to task in the debates. If he can’t, we need a new candidate!

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Feb 11Liked by Liza Donnelly

Brilliant cartoons, Liza! The print media one made me guffaw and then reflect with a bit of melancholy.

Your points on the media, especially in a Presidential election year, are spot on. I’ve always thought that we have a vicious spiral between news consumers, media companies, and newsmakers (politicians, celebrities, athletes, etc.). As news consumers, we think we want good journalism, but we watch/click/read the salacious stuff. The news media needs to make money, so it does what the market demands. Politicians play to the crowd and give them what they want. No one watches CSPAN, they watch viral videos of politicians behaving like rabid monkeys in “hearings”, then they give said politicians small dollar donations in large quantities…so more politicians behave like rabid monkeys. This logic existed when I was coming of age in the 80s, and it has massively accelerated with the fracturing of the media environment. At this point, I fear we are reaching a tipping point, and Trump, Gaetz, MSG, etc., are the harbingers of our doom. It’s not inevitable, but enough of us have to choose a different path. The question is, as always, is will we?

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Thank you. And for your thoughts

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Feb 11Liked by Liza Donnelly

Liza, thanks for your words today. I wish you’d write more about the media in this election cycle. I’m so appreciative, I just subscribed!

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I will! Thank you.

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Feb 11Liked by Liza Donnelly

It scares me as well. Just the facts, the who, what, where, why, and when.....unslanted....and unbiased.... seems to be gone with the wind. And as I said, here, before...why aren't the press holding Trump under the same magnifying glass as they are Biden. Is everyone ... even the press ... afraid of poking the monster? I agree with everything you've said and glad you said it. But it's sad...so very sad. On a positive note, pet the cat for me.

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Feb 11Liked by Liza Donnelly

I wonder if the “journalists” who flock to challenge Biden after this week’s “hit job” of a non-indictment, will look back after a Trump win in November and be proud of their contribution?

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Feb 11Liked by Liza Donnelly

…ie a Trump win that results in the end of a free press in the US.

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Great cartoon. The press has lost all credibility in this country, and they did it to themselves. And as for the damage they might do in the future re the election, they have already done it. They are the reason Trump is still around and viable. In the face of this, the arrogance of the press toward its readership is more than galling. I'm disgusted and frustrated.

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Thanks. It’s scary! We need to be loud since the press isn’t about Trump

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Feb 11Liked by Liza Donnelly

I was at dinner with friends last night, all journalists. Someone said she felt our industry needed regulation; anyone can through up a blog and call themselves a journalist. This is problem in a world where the squeaky wheel--not the measured, well researched, impartial approach that helps the readers think for themselves--gets the grease. I enjoyed your informed perspective, Liza. 🙏

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I just read this and am stupefied: "Trump said during a rally at Coastal Carolina University, about protecting a NATO country if it were attacked.. “I said, ‘You didn’t pay. You’re delinquent.’ He said, ‘Yes, let’s say that happened.’ No, I would not protect you. In fact, I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want.” Now that's what the media should be focusing on.

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