Made me angry too. So ageist.

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I don't think young people can evaluate old age. I am 82. I work daily running a company I established 33 years ago. People say I look 60 and have too much energy. Who cares? I am not working at the most important job in the world where the age limit should be 70. America is in decline. We need a new Constitution and five other changes including getting rid of the Electoral college. And nothing will change.

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Jack Smith: ouch! I’m shocked by this. It’s not only unkind, as you say, Liza. I find it incredible that he would make such a statement at this time. If he had thought before he said it, he would have known how Trump would use it. Perhaps he was just tired…… Very sweet cartoon.

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Not Jack Smith, a different special council, Robert K. Hur  is a former Trump Justice Department official. Knew he had no case, but wanted to put his thumb on the scale.

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Thank you. I stand corrected. Just watched a clip on NBC of Biden responding, with fury, to this. He seemed entirely intact!

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Oh Linda! It was not Jack Smith. Different guy, diff special counsel. Hur by name.

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Yes, my flub, Thank you.

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I was disturbed to hear how Biden's answers were reported. As a 72 year old who still works at a job that requires both expertise but also memory, I also admit that memory lapses occur all the time. And I also have seen enough if Biden in real time to suggest that he still has what he needs for the job.

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When I heard that, immediately went to Pres Biden’s site and donated.

Was furious by the petty political and unprofessionally gratuitous way of saying go brandon.

But Biden’s press conf just now was solid.

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And btw - the sweetest cartoon maybe ever! ♥️

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I agree. NPR just ran that story (again) and I yelled at the radio “Trump says 1,000 truly wackadoo things every day!” Then I came here, saw Liza’s cartoon, and calmed right down. (Thanks, Liza. You’re my chamomile tea. 😌)

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Every comparison between Trump and Biden should be steered to “character” … whether it starts with age, or memory, or competence, or any other trait. Running on character … and attacking Trump’s character at every turn … should be a winning strategy for Biden.

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This cracks me up. Why don't reporters keep harping on the gaffs the orange man makes. The Polosi remark, and the hundreds of other inanities that have nothing to do with age, but with stupidity. Remember he was the person who suggested people drink bleach to rid themselves of Covid. And if I recall correctly (it's my age) I read one person actually did and died. Plus his fiasco with the black marker trying to locate a state on the map. Oh, on a more pleasant note, love the drawing.

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Biden's age is an issue only by default . . . the GOP has nothing else, and they just forfeited their immigration "issue".

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The caption in my family: “You’ll help me remember that L is for Liza, and I’ll help you remember that D is for Donnelly.”

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tRump is old and evil

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Hur’s statement was pure political bullshit. What has a question about the death of a child to do in this entire investigation? What a mean spirited tool. Fodder for the hoped for election of a demented buffoon we had to tolerate for four years, the most antidemocratic human ever to sit in the Oval Office. I’m disgusted.

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I love your post. Exactly!! Thank you!

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Less adorable: why is the DOJ setting up Joe Biden the way Comey set up Hillary Clinton? Seems exactly the same, only earlier.

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Great post and point well made! 🙏 Liza.

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Gratuitous insult by a political hack.

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