A King lives in constant mistrust of everyone: Princes, Lords and Rules crave his position. Diet Cokes, overcooked burgers and steaks, french fries and ketchup can convey poison. Arrows flung from the roughs can pierce his heart.

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Hey spellcheck! The word is Dukes not Rules.

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Jul 1Liked by Liza Donnelly

Easy to be discouraged, though more energized to support democratic candidates. Im not a lawyer either but seems to me this ruling allows Biden to act freely to arrest those who seek to overthrow the government or who have colluded with foreign governments to undermine it.

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That's an interesting perspective, Patris. :)

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Jul 1Liked by Liza Donnelly

This is so scary,

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Jul 1Liked by Liza Donnelly

OMG, OMG, OMG. did Biden just say the worst was yet to come?

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Jul 1Liked by Liza Donnelly

I don't believe this ruling gives either Biden or perhaps Trump, if he is elected, carte blanche. It seems to me that either would be bound by the laws that govern the executive branch that determine what an official act is. Even if Trump was elected, he is incapable of governing, and there is the hope of the bye election in twenty-six. I am also hopeful that Trump's appearance of winning will foster some complacency in his base, who might only vote once.

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If Trump gets back in, he won’t leave until he’s carried out in an extra large, heavy-on-the-gold-leaf casket.

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Jul 2Liked by Liza Donnelly

....with his Bible in his hands, and gold high tops on his feet.

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Jul 2Liked by Liza Donnelly

True about his preferences for a Napoleonic coffin

But call me crazy but I think we have got this. MAGA is going crazy. They are not being subtle.

BUT LET’S BE CLEAR, Biden is our guy. No messing with the ticket guys. Watch Alan Lichtman on YouTube.

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I did see Alan Lichtman on YouTube, and his opinion gave me pause. In any case, all paws crossed.

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Jul 1Liked by Liza Donnelly

It's a terrible decision, but I don't think it necessarily puts Trump beyond the scope of prosecution, though it won't happen before the election, sadly. Some of the acts taken by Trump appear outside his official constitutional duties, though I'm not a lawyer either. That said, this decision is bad regardless of Trump. Should presidents really be immune from prosecution for actions taken in carrying out duties prescribed by the constitution? Isn't there a line one steps over? Like imprisoning one's enemies? Assassinating opponents, foreign or otherwise? That's all plausible. No president should be that secure. Could Nixon have argued that a coverup was in defense of national security? This only leaves the threat of impeachment and conviction, which as we know, is far, far from adequate.

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You are so right, Liza. And this is a tragic day for America, and the world.

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When will I wake up from this nightmare.....

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Jul 2Liked by Liza Donnelly

I would like to know if it will ever end, as well.

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Jul 1Liked by Liza Donnelly

Thanks,Liza. This:⬇️

“So where does this leave us? My hope is that this decision, and the fact that we most likely won’t see Jack Smith’s case against Trump for election interference go to trial before the election, will energize Democrats to loudly support and vote for Biden and Harris.”

I am energized to work even harder for Biden/Harris, holding the Senate, and flipping the House

Here’s a great 30 second(we do have short attention spans!) J6/Biden ad to share:📣

“Donald Trump Is Ready To Burn It All Down.”


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Thank you for sending that, will share.

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Jul 1Liked by Liza Donnelly

"All good people in America have to rise up and push against this man, and vote."

Hear! Hear!

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Jul 1Liked by Liza Donnelly

OK, I'm with you. But a President is still liable to impeachment for official acts and to criminal indictment for unofficial acts. Which has always been a lame system, and needed to be moved in the opposite direction, not this one.

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Can’t Biden take advantage of this ruling to engage in a full out, pedal to the medal, onslaught of daily “official acts” to protect America from Fascists and Domestic Terrorists?

Fuck the border! The danger is already INSIDE THE HOUSE.

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Jul 1Liked by Liza Donnelly

SCOTUS is just another arm of the attempt to overthrow our democracy. The justices with the highest integrity stand up against the MAGA minions who seem to want a kingdom. Perhaps they should contemplate the French Revolution.

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This is a sad and dangerous day for democracy. I hope enough rational citizens realize the importance of keeping Trump out of office.

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Jul 2Liked by Liza Donnelly

Cormac McCarthy made a movie called “the Counselor” that I thought was much better than reviewers indicated. In the movie, a cartel spokesman said “Americans want it to be one way, but it’s another” or something like that to say Americans too often expect happy endings. I worry that Democrats’ wishful thinking isn’t facing reality, and that we’ve got the campaigns we’ve got and the Supreme Court we’ve got for some time. I could hope with a scenario where Joe steps aside for Kamala temporarily, and then the Democrats throw open their convention in Chicago for a Hollywood ending. We need a competent president, and Democrats need to be honest with us. Too many people watched that debate.

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OMG!!! Liza’s is spot-on with her analysis, and drawings!!!

Her advice is top-notch also. If we don’t get Biden/Harris back in the Oval Office, this country is done. They can tear down the Statue of Liberty and all the monuments in Washington DC and around the nation. Our freedom days will be over. It’s just that simple. We have a corrupt Supreme Court which has bent and given to Donald Trump every step of the way!

The six justices which wrote to give this immunity should’ve recused themselves. Two of them are on the take and their wives are/were involved with the January 6th attempted coup. Three of them were appointed by Trump and clearly, from every past decision related to anything with Trump, they have voted in his favor, just as they did this time. This court is so corrupt it’s not funny anymore. It’s right at impossible for any of the remaining cases to be tried before the election. We have got to prevent Trump from getting elected. He cannot go back in office, and every one of his minions at every level of government has got to be voted out of office. We need Super-majority Democrats in the House of Representatives and Senate next year, and years following. Combine that with Biden/Harris in the Oval Office, we might get things done, and hopefully get this Supreme Court fixed. Because it is totally broken now!

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