38 years after my daughter was born I still find myself asking "Now what?"

I really like your drawings, they capture the moment AND the feeling. That is a special talent!

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Then they start school...

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It may be a universal response. It’s exactly what I said to my wife after we loaded our first born into the car on leaving the hospital.

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Life always seems to boil down to "now what?" I always loved the lines in The West Wing when Jed Bartlett says "what's next?" The "now whats?" and "what's nexts?" of life keep us moving forward trying to make things better.

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If we didn’t say it out loud we were certainly thinking it. Love this. So true.

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For about 4 - 5 weeks after our premature daughter was born, she was in an intensive care incubator. Then one day the hospital call and said, "We have released your daughter." Realizing she was too young to take a cab home, we went to pick her up. We received a very light blanket. Then we found that she - at about 4 lbs - was in the blanket! Incredulously, we said to each other, "They are giving her to us?! What do we do now?"

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I too, have two wonderful, grown-up daughters, and they indeed changed my life.

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We’re back in the baby business with our first grandchild. It’s so cool. But, now what?

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