Mar 17Liked by Liza Donnelly

As I commented on utube it’s a privilege to watch the process as you sketch and consider life going on around us, Liza. Your comment on a goldfish bowl on top of a ladder vs. a Fish led me to imagine looking out a window of an apartment on an upper floor as fish swim by - and a husband to wife comment: ‘looks like it’s really humid today’ (or something like that).

This was a lovely interlude, watching as you worked, a purring cat next to me, quiet afternoon… thank you

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Thank you, Patris. That's a funny idea!

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Mar 18Liked by Liza Donnelly

Only because you put it in my head

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Thrilled to see you use our fireplace! Love the coziness and need to attend it!

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It is a fun reminder of simple things, right?

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Mar 17Liked by Liza Donnelly

So lovely to get to see your process. You mentioned the election and wondered if these images were related to it. I think wearing porcupine slippers and reading the news could be excellent preparation for the election season. And planting a seedling in the context of this election seems quite poignant in a different way. 😀

Thanks as always for including us in these magical moments of your process.

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Thank you, Philip! I love how you see the connections in how I was thinking.....

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Mar 17Liked by Liza Donnelly

Thanks for sharing a piece of your Sunday with us.

1. The stove feels inviting and warm. I can almost smell the smokey fragrance.

2. Always a joy to watch an artist bring life to the blank page.

3. Our daily news consumption is nearly all digital.

4. Thank you for not glorifying the Ohio BS; in a more conservative time that speech would have ended all political aspirations.

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Thanks, Terry. Yes, the Ohio words from T. Horrid, horrid, horrid.

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Mar 17Liked by Liza Donnelly

Happy Sunday Liza! Yes, this is interesting, so thanks for sharing your talent and process. I miss sitting with the NYTimes on Sunday and sharing highlights with my husband as we read our favorite sections. I have gone full digital, which is sad because I no longer linger with the paper and I read articles sporadically throughout the day and week—it’s isolating. So, thanks again for your live drawings.

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Thank you, and you are most welcome. We are partiall digital, get the NYTimes on the weekend.

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Mar 17Liked by Liza Donnelly

❤️this! Thanks so much for sharing the process.

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Mar 17Liked by Liza Donnelly

Yes to play! These topics this play is awesome L!!! My metaphoric perspective : hope - the seedling) nurturing what we can grow - ladders the ominous climb at times as we have to go up and feed that fish - and lastly the paper reading is just that item

We use to start the wood stove fire . My grateful take - yes the news this printed word is just that and I feel the real embers that make us a human civil society is wut we interpret enquire and perceive in that persistent hopeful and flippant way - get the matches out.

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Mar 17Liked by Liza Donnelly

Love the haircut. You know I get ideas in the strangest places. I went to the dentist for root canal (Ouch), and got nitrous oxide. The first time, the dentist didn't give me enough and I was cognizant the whole time. So the second time, she pumped up the volume. I wrote a whole children's book in my head and when it was over, sat in the waiting room jotting it all down. Stange but true.

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That's really bizarre, Allia! Yikes. Did the book get published?

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Mar 18Liked by Liza Donnelly

I'm currently working on it. It is bizarre. But I'd rather get my ideas in the shower or out walking than in the chair at the dentist getting root canal....that is, except if this book becomes a bestseller. I am listing the dentist in my acknowledgements. You can't make this stuff up.

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Love it.

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Mar 18Liked by Liza Donnelly

I very much enjoy watching you come up with random ideas that morph into something clever, funny and wonderfully drawn. I live in Seattle and still read the printed Seattle Times every day--and the weekly New Yorker. I subscribe to three other newspapers but only the digital versions. As a retired journalist I’m a news junkie. Thanks for opening up your creative world to us.

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THank you so much. I'm a news junkie too, in case you didn't know!

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