The horse laughing at herself is the best part😂

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I subscribe to the biology of ‘leaf it where it falls’ as all sorts of critters overwinter under our leaves. Used to drive our neighbors crazy in Missouri! So when our house burned, we moved to Colorado where nobody worries about such things.

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Col. Sherman Potter would say, 'Horse slippers!'

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Silly is wonderful.

I share your feelings about leaf blowers. I had a neighbor who would be out at 7am blowing (swear to goddess!) three leaves around. His wife would supervise. A few years ago they sold their house & moved to a gated community.

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Funny horse with pink slippers!🥰

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Leaf blowers are very popular here, and along with being annoying they’re bad for the birds. Like you, Liza, I’ve never understood the obsession with raking. Glad to know that it isn’t just me. 🍁

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yes! It is part of nature’s plan fertilize the grass. Solidarity!

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Wonderful sketches and lively commentaries. Writing from rural Vt where horses gallop happily, with or without slippers and where plastic bags, billboards, Hummers, leaf blowers and cell towers are not welcomed. We bring our kids--happily--to rallies to exclude McDonald from the capital city

Let's give up on raking--and maybe lawns. Many of us have "meadows not mowing" signs in our yards! Check out the book and great group entitled Food Not Lawns. Save leaves today, love trees tomorrow and build inclusive just community for all peoples and species every day...another world is possible....

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Yes, we have meadows not mowing signs here in Dutchess County as well. We stopped mowing part of our lawn for that reason. And I hate McDonalds as well, always have. Gotta love Vermont— she is always making us think.

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Excellent cartoons, excellent comments. My wife Linda Davis {see HER comment} has had the luxury of ignoring leaves because someone else was always around to take care of them. Over 40+ years I raked her leaves into a fallow part of the yard, then after moving raked them into the woods, then in our current setting bagged them and drove them to the incinerator. Would've loved pre-bagged leaves, especially in green bags. But starting last year I converted to not raking them; but we live in a neighborhood with few fences, so I couldn't just let the wind blow them into other yards. So instead of raking, I now mulch them with the lawn mover, usually 2 or 3 times in the fall and again in the spring, so they know I'm serious. Finally they don their slippers and sleep soundly, and when the grass has its May hay-day, the leaves have mostly returned to the earth and taken their nutrients along with them.

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It’s tough when you have neighbors who have different plans for their yards, I get that. What you’ve settled on is a great plan!

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And PINK slippers no less.😃😃

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That pre-bagging leaf idea; that's 21 Century innovation—I'd patent that!

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I used to rake and blow leaves, every week I’d be out there, but then ten years ago, life hit me hard and I missed a few seasons... but here is where nature taught me a, “dang, I wish I figured that out earlier!” moment.

1) unlike not mowing my lawn, the city doesn’t cite me for not blowing leaves

2) leaves that have freshly fallen have a LOT of water in them. Water; a pint is a pound the world around. Those are some heavy leaves.

3) I have a fence all around my back yard. There will be winds in November. Let nature blow the bone-dry leaves against the fence. Easier to scoop up from a fence.

4) What is left from leave dehydration is free fertilizer for a spring lawn.

In short, I mow most of the leaves into my lawn, pick up what blows against the fence. Done.

Still miss the kids, dogs and everyone leaping in huge leaf piles, though... sorry for dragging away from the funny into boring home ownership stuff! 😬

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I enjoy the way your mind works.

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Thank you!

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Both cartoons are very funny. I blurted a guffaw at the leaves one. The only thing unfunny (yet funny) is that there are people out there who probably believe you can buy pre-bagged trees!

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oh gosh, I hope not. Thank you!

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Bagging leaves is a quite anal thing to do. Also burning them. Kinda like gutting grass. Maybe get better neighbors? Just pay your taxes. :)

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