Apr 3Liked by Liza Donnelly

It’s impossible for rational people to listen and/or read his if not demented, then truly stupid views imo and not sit straight up and say wtf. ((I am trying here).

You’re not ranting, Liza. You are justifiably outraged that a supposedly responsible network would not have an interviewer capable enough to enter into an exchange over the statements made - by anyone - that might lead to the harm of millions.

Vaccines work. Period.empirical evidence says so. It’s science.

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He is slick, and it worries me. He sounds reasonable, but is not. And he will never win so he is spoiling the race-- and for what? My big takeaway is ego. Infuriates me.

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Absolutely ditto

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It is wonderful that she has made this statement in defense of President Biden. I hope even more people see it that those who saw the interview with the Kennedy that has only that name to claim. Jack and Bobby would be angry and embarrassed.

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Excellent outrage Liza. This is the time to be direct. Elitism abounds in elections and emerges out of money-fueled systems. Economic hierarchy rules. Let's focus squarely on Trump and his violences and bring real scorn to Kennedy, West, Stein, Wallace and many others who put themselves before the common good . (The brilliant Heather Cox Richardson is the superb analyst of elections)

And lets remember it is white hatred/supremacy that fuels Trump and divides the country in waves since the Civil War, if not before. As we know, he uses anger and resentment that plays to the hate and pain of so many. Do read Yale's Timothy Snyder's: On Tyranny.

Organize!!!We need to peacably organize, say no to hate, and find small ways to bring light to darkness. Work with and reach out to activists of color. Listen to King's 1968 Riverside Church speech. You will be lifted!!!!!

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Thank you, bob!!!

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Apr 3Liked by Liza Donnelly

God bless her for her sanity and courage.

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RFK relies on his surname, the fact that he started out doing good and his very savvy manner. Oh - he also needs for those who interview him to allow him to say his bullshit. If the world were just - CNN should have stopped the interview and called him a skilled liar. But they don't ever do that.

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