It won't change him. He's a human being but an evil one.

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I doubt if anything changes except his supporters will carry more guns to protect him. He’s not a learner—he is a grifter. My concern is that security will have to be upped for Biden’s events now because the right has been riled again by Trump and who knows how far they will go.

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You are correct, DianeK24. I fear, especially with the actions of Trump as Secret Service tried to get him off stage, will rile his cult to the hilt. Now, no one will be safe. But you can bet Secret Service will have a rather lengthy discussion with Trump about his actions with those agents trying to get him off stage and in that armored vehicle. He broke about every protocol written with them.

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Too bad they can’t say “if you won’t follow the rules, you don’t get Secret Service coverage.” Man, he’s such a toddler!

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Exactly. Too bad I wasn’t one of those agents, especially the one he was hitting in her head with his fist pumps as he climbed above her. His ass would’ve been face down on that stage.

Trump needs to learn. These agents are not accustomed to losing a person they are protecting. They are trained to keep that person alive, no matter what. His fighting to get out in front of them, or above them, doesn’t work like it did with the leaders of these other countries he’s visited in the past.

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Jul 14Liked by Liza Donnelly

The fist bumps when they're trying to get him to leave were just ... well, there are no words. It was the most ridiculous, showy, MAGA photo op, that I have ever seen. I am disgusted.

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14Liked by Liza Donnelly

Makes two of us, KittyLiterate! To him, it’s all about the money, him being out front of everyone with that ‘see me’ narcissistic attitude of his.

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Yes, no doubt Biden would meekly have crept away, huddled within the cocoon of his Secret Service minders...

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Jul 14Liked by Liza Donnelly

I think this will change him but likely for the worse.

It’s a very very sad time.

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Jul 14Liked by Liza Donnelly

Indeed. I kept thinking … If this were a movie, this would be the point where he sees the error of his ways.

I think back on Reagan being shot, and how that led to the Brady Bill. Instead, we still have Rs in Congress wearing AR-15 lapel pins.

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Movie scripts have to appeal to a sense of believability, reality is unscripted grittiness.

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We're in it for the long haul. Being sent home for school because of Kennedy's assassination...sitting in Dad's lap watching the funeral. Imagining how I'd feel if I were Caroline and John Jr. The horrors to come with RFK and MLK. This is a long and horrible story. I disagree with the analyses that seek to draw lines around 'these times."

At some point, in the relatively near future, I'll go to my reward. I hope that, before I leave, folks come to understand that they must account for past actions (reparations!) and work to the best of all.

"THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value."

Thomas Paine

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Yes. I've been holding my breath, waiting for some form of retaliation. The facts are irrelevant to some people. In the MAGA world, some live by alternate facts.

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A huge hug! I, for one, will be thinking of you as sketch the R convention and hope, if it seems too much (How could it not!) that you will give yourself permission to skip it.

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Jay Kuo had an interesting and detailed account for today’s post.


“So, yes, we will stop Trump. But we will do it with ballots, not bullets.”

Now back to writing those Sunday postcards…✍️

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My sister-in-law shared this from abc news just 4 years ago. The media needs to do its job. Violence is not the answer, but let’s not be afraid to point out who has been sowing the seeds of discord… https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/blame-abc-news-finds-17-cases-invoking-trump/story?id=58912889

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So many years ago Malcolm X said “The chickens came home to roost” and was villified by some people for saying that after Kennedy’s assassination. He was referring to episodes in Vietnam. I truly believe shootings here are political acts, and those can be minimized by better laws. If this results in support for gun laws, that sure would be good. However, it’s hard to believe good will come out of today’s Republican party.

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The NY Times editorial board opinion today sickened me. Called on “both parties” to reduce violent rhetoric. After the sympathy for Trump being shot it should have said that Trump and MAGA leaders have called for violence more than any candidate and any government representatives in the last 100 years and more.

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As the agents were leaving the stage, trying to safely and quickly get Trump to the armored vehicle, he climbed above the agents exposing his upper torso and head, raised his fist shouting to “fight, fight, fight!” I don’t know exactly what his end game here is, other to stir up another January 6th, or worse, and to collect as much money as he possibly can. Maybe that’s why he held this rally in a deep RED area of Pennsylvania.

The ‘conspiracy theories’ are going strong.

First was that Trump was hit be a piece of glass from the teleprompter. FALSE. After viewing the footage several times, both teleprompters were in good shape after the shooting.

Second. Trump was ‘faking it’. FALSE. To begin with, the Secret Service doesn’t ’play’. Those agents mean business. Two people died in this shooting. A firefighter in the bleachers and the shooter. He was able to get a few rounds off before the snipers located, scoped, and fired one round killing him. Two others were seriously injured by the shooter. If Trump hadn’t turned and did his s head-cock to the side the instant he did, he most likely would have been another fatality.

The crap being said by members of the GOP needs to stop. Their blaming Biden for this is wrong. This shooter was a registered Republican! There are Republicans who still believe in the values of the old party, and don’t cater to the rhetoric and dictatorship that Trump is, and has been, promoting. These GOP folks need to look at that picture instead of putting blame where it doesn’t belong!

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Very well said. I have similar feelings as in I’m not sure what to feel. I’m dreading the reaction of the reactionaries and more stirring of the fear pot.

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A very upsetting turn of events last night. And even though it wasn’t my candidate that was targeted, any kind of unexpected violent act like that shakes us to our core. We who are already living these days of high anxiety are asking the question “can it get any worse?” Unfortunately we know that yes it can.

It’s also been very sobering and frightening for me to be experiencing the unwelcome and unfamiliar feelings of dehumanizing the victims. Asking myself…. am I sorry he missed? And…. what were those people doing there anyway? Or…. why would they support such a terrible person?

It doesn’t feel good at all. Just being honest :(

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Too bad there’s just nothing to be done about guns………

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I still want to ban guns.

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I’m with you Liza. I have turned off notifications on all my feeds. Take care of yourself.

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Your saving grace is that the shooter was a Republican.

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