Maybe some people think being in control is what it's all about, yet they are at the bottom, and have to be careful what they do... they can't enjoy themselves because they have to orchestrate their moves. ....whereas the woman who doesn't care about being in control is free; so without this burden, she can enjoy herself and feel like she's on top of the world. (I wonder what a therapist would say about THAT!) As for the world situation, I think we are all "on hold."
Yes, it's a lesson I'm learning. Less stress. Plus you know, there's only one Being Who is really in control: God. I saw that on a T-shirt of a woman in the mall. "God's in control." It was edifying I am so enjoying your work and take on things. Tis very inciteful, and best of all, comforting.
Maybe it shows that life’s events are always flowing up and down, as our moods from day to day, moment to moment. Control is the negative diminishing emotion we all use at different levels for good or bad while feeling in top of the world is the opposite, liberating sensation of feeling free of any control. Free to wonder and fly. Top of the world is a soft control also, the person controls it’s life, Then, the drawing might indicate the fear of loosing control of our lives at any moment with a slight movement of a pendulum. That’s the world now all around us. Be Hopeful, I am.
I like that drawing, each person feels confident in their own views. In an alternate universe, perhaps my more neurotic one 😄, each person is instead jealous of the position of the other and works very hard to get to that other spot. And then, of course, they’re immediately dissatisfied and so they push again. 🤣
When my wife was hugely pregnant with our first baby, we went to the park on purpose so that she could hold down her end of the teeter totter and have me at her mercy. She was in control! I was on top of the world!
As a veteran of Brooklyn neighborhood parks this hits me in a happy memory way. But also it reminds me that when my brother realized he could hop off the seesaw when his side was on the ground and my side would promptly hit the ground and I’d bounce off, there were no guarantees things would end well.
The more we move towards the fulcrum, the less we are in control and the less we are at the top of the world (or at the bottom). We still feel the motion but the drama decreases and we can just look into each others eyes and smile.
This drawing is truly an example of where we are today depending on the moment in time. Being optimistic is a challenge but I still remain hopeful; humans will stop trashing our planet,Trump will go to prison, Israel and Gaza can find a permanent PEACE SOLUTION and people will respect all other dignity. Pollyanna, right!
I think I am not the first one to observe a male/female dynamic in this cartoon. It's important to the young male to feel in control -- and in some sense he IS in control, because he is physically bigger, which matters in this game. The female is feeling good because she's way up there, thanks to the male, and is therefore, in a sense, being put on a pedestal. So her on-to-top-the-worldness is somewhat illusory - and definitely temporary. Being at my own tender old age, I associate see-saws with my childhood in the 50s and 60s (some playgrounds still have them, I think, and it's tempting because they're cheap to build, yet somewhat dangerous). What I felt as a child was the best place to be was standing in the middle, getting a free and pretty safe ride, though not a fantastic one, while being halfway to the top of the world. This was not quite in keeping with the Mad Men view of masculinity at the time, but it sort of was: reaping a benefit without doing any of the work.
I love this. To me it shows the potential difficulty of aligning any two narratives of a shared experience, which is such a serious thing in our world today -- yet it also asks us to consider that differing narratives can both be true. And it does all of this important work in a playful and funny way! Genius.
Also, it reminds me of how mercilessly my big sister used to keep me in the air when we were kids, while I implored her to let me down. Why did I keep getting on a see saw with her? I don't really know. There's a lot of trust in using a see saw with someone. Which also feels like a really trenchant metaphor for today's world.
Well, both are satisfied. One loves to look and the other loves to be in charge. My sister and I were like that, only I didn’t like being controlled! And it could be about moods.
Interesting, Liza. Two words flash back to me. Perspective and power. These seed-thoughts are planted early on. Even in a child's play time???!!!
Yes, you are probably right!!
Thank you Liza. Here’s to optimism!
Maybe some people think being in control is what it's all about, yet they are at the bottom, and have to be careful what they do... they can't enjoy themselves because they have to orchestrate their moves. ....whereas the woman who doesn't care about being in control is free; so without this burden, she can enjoy herself and feel like she's on top of the world. (I wonder what a therapist would say about THAT!) As for the world situation, I think we are all "on hold."
Thank you, interesting analysis! There is freedom in letting go, right?
Yes, it's a lesson I'm learning. Less stress. Plus you know, there's only one Being Who is really in control: God. I saw that on a T-shirt of a woman in the mall. "God's in control." It was edifying I am so enjoying your work and take on things. Tis very inciteful, and best of all, comforting.
Two fantasy lives.
Maybe it shows that life’s events are always flowing up and down, as our moods from day to day, moment to moment. Control is the negative diminishing emotion we all use at different levels for good or bad while feeling in top of the world is the opposite, liberating sensation of feeling free of any control. Free to wonder and fly. Top of the world is a soft control also, the person controls it’s life, Then, the drawing might indicate the fear of loosing control of our lives at any moment with a slight movement of a pendulum. That’s the world now all around us. Be Hopeful, I am.
Thank you for your thoughts, Anis. I love what you say, free to wonder and fly.
I like that drawing, each person feels confident in their own views. In an alternate universe, perhaps my more neurotic one 😄, each person is instead jealous of the position of the other and works very hard to get to that other spot. And then, of course, they’re immediately dissatisfied and so they push again. 🤣
Yes, it is a see-saw, after all. Push and pull. I think both things you say are true in this drawing, actually.
The Duality Of Playground Equipment 😉
When my wife was hugely pregnant with our first baby, we went to the park on purpose so that she could hold down her end of the teeter totter and have me at her mercy. She was in control! I was on top of the world!
As a veteran of Brooklyn neighborhood parks this hits me in a happy memory way. But also it reminds me that when my brother realized he could hop off the seesaw when his side was on the ground and my side would promptly hit the ground and I’d bounce off, there were no guarantees things would end well.
The more we move towards the fulcrum, the less we are in control and the less we are at the top of the world (or at the bottom). We still feel the motion but the drama decreases and we can just look into each others eyes and smile.
I appreciate your optimism! I’m too soaked in history to dare to try flirting with hope. 🤞
This drawing is truly an example of where we are today depending on the moment in time. Being optimistic is a challenge but I still remain hopeful; humans will stop trashing our planet,Trump will go to prison, Israel and Gaza can find a permanent PEACE SOLUTION and people will respect all other dignity. Pollyanna, right!
I'm basically an optimist too. I think cartoonists are a combination of optimists and pesimists in one person!
I think I am not the first one to observe a male/female dynamic in this cartoon. It's important to the young male to feel in control -- and in some sense he IS in control, because he is physically bigger, which matters in this game. The female is feeling good because she's way up there, thanks to the male, and is therefore, in a sense, being put on a pedestal. So her on-to-top-the-worldness is somewhat illusory - and definitely temporary. Being at my own tender old age, I associate see-saws with my childhood in the 50s and 60s (some playgrounds still have them, I think, and it's tempting because they're cheap to build, yet somewhat dangerous). What I felt as a child was the best place to be was standing in the middle, getting a free and pretty safe ride, though not a fantastic one, while being halfway to the top of the world. This was not quite in keeping with the Mad Men view of masculinity at the time, but it sort of was: reaping a benefit without doing any of the work.
Wonderful observations, Chuck. ANd yes, the gender dynamic here was fully on my mind when I drew it.
I love this. To me it shows the potential difficulty of aligning any two narratives of a shared experience, which is such a serious thing in our world today -- yet it also asks us to consider that differing narratives can both be true. And it does all of this important work in a playful and funny way! Genius.
Also, it reminds me of how mercilessly my big sister used to keep me in the air when we were kids, while I implored her to let me down. Why did I keep getting on a see saw with her? I don't really know. There's a lot of trust in using a see saw with someone. Which also feels like a really trenchant metaphor for today's world.
Jen, such a great observation. I love my subscribers!! Great insight. ANd yes, trust is a part of this, I forget that. Thank you.
Well, both are satisfied. One loves to look and the other loves to be in charge. My sister and I were like that, only I didn’t like being controlled! And it could be about moods.
Looks like the definition of a Win/Win to me.
They're both happy with where they are. And we (the viewer)
know they'll swap places any moment.
Can they still be happy when the changes come?
I hope so.
I hope we can all adapt,
because sometimes we're on top, and
sometimes the other person is.
And nothing lasts forever
So well put! Change comes quickly and frequently....need to be adaptable. And indeed nothing lasts forever. Thankyou, DeeDee.