It seems like so much of what we get these days from politicians, the media, and conversation with others is...welll...spin. "What's your view?" "Can you believe what Josie said?" "Head-spinning isn't it?"

It's doubly troubling when I realize how little of the spin seems to be based or verifiable facts. Sigh.

I like that your spin comes with nifty drawings and humor. That's *my* take, at least.

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Caption suggestion:

I've got my head on straight, so let the media keep on spinning (it's wheels) forever if it wants to!

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Robert, I'm glad to learn you went in for the head alignment. We all need to be even keeled in these turbulent times.

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I like the caption you chose.

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I like the “I’m getting dizzy” one. Now the possibility of a conspiracy theory in this latest “possible threat on Trump’s life when that gunman had been there for 12 + hours, the shots fired were the security detail shooting at him, tRump wasn’t even in that area, the gunman was broke yet had a very expensive AR-15 rifle, a van and supplies zero $ in his bank and little if any money on him. Was this a tRump team effort to raise $ and sympathy?

We need real answers !

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I like your caption. I’m very dizzy with all the rehashing of events. It’s hard to get “just the facts” with out commentary.

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Suggested addition to your 2nd caption: "The mainstream media is spinning the new so fast . . . "

Liza - Your comments today are Right On! You've pinpointed the advantages in Kamala's campaign, and I only hope these strategies are working all over the country.

(Of course, what do we do when the Other Side says that if their Cult Leader doesn't win the upcoming presidential election, they won't accept it, and will Do Bad/Violent Things? This sounds like a vast metastatic mutiny in the American democracy. Probably even worse than what caused the 19th century Civil War, when they didn't have the technology that's now spreading this Repubuglican virus.) ¶Instead of doing volunteer work, I'm sending money to the Harris campaign as automatic weekly contributions until the election.

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1. Yes, our household is fully registered.

2. My vote goes to the top caption.

3. Thanks for your calming voice, hectic day at the ranch.

4. Harris improving in the newest polls.

5. Jon Tester has closed the gap in Montana Senate race.

6. Only 99 days until 🎅

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Terry, I don’t know if you follow Simon Rosenberg but he has(last I knew months ago)at least 50k subscribers/possible donors.

Keeping The Senate Blue - By popular demand, we are now supporting Tester and Sherrod Brown in addition to Ruben Gallego.


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1. the one I chose to use above

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#1 because of its fluidity, your tv literally spinning and relating that to the dizziness of the media spin.

Thanks for link to Joe Rogan! As GenZ Victor Shi said…”This is really good and big”.

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I vote for number 4.

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Thank you, Liza! This is so terrific - and so timely. I’m going to try to find a way to send it to Joe Grogan (Grogen?) I do not know him but he spends a lot of time in Austin where I am - and I know folk who DO know him so will ask them to forward it - drawing and all!

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Helps to know a name🤦‍♂️and he’s Joe Rogan. Sorry for confusing the territory.🫤

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Definitely choice #1, the one you put with the first cartoon. Love it!

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I like dizzy because I feel dizzy when I see/hear/read media spinning stories. "stories" we now learn from JD may be lies he repeats for attention. thanks for your posts, drawings and thoughts on our political scene.

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#2 - it's a bit simpler

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Number 1.. dizzy!!!

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Spinning? In basketball they call it flopping.

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It's illegal, but if the refs miss it they get away with it.

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