Aug 2, 2023Liked by Liza Donnelly

I LOVE subtitles! My partner had never really used them but she uses them all the time now. I watch a lot of British TV and it definitely helps.

I do have a NYer question: do you care where in the magazine--or in what type of article--your cartoon appears?

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To answer your question: no, I don't care! Just happy to be in the magazine.

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Have stood back in a hallway and lowered the volume on the tv (with the spare tv remote) over the shoulder of husband watching a game (name the sport here) (all of them) on stun volume, just wish the man would use subtitles. Of course he doesn’t even notice.

Just one of those moves that has saved a 50 year relationship.

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Aug 2, 2023Liked by Liza Donnelly

As a fiction writer I have trained myself to attune to 'voice'. I tend to use closed captions for non-English programs/movies.

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I enjoy the art.

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Aug 2, 2023Liked by Liza Donnelly

Our household subtitle policies are similar to what you’ve described. Especially British and Irish programs/ movies.

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I accidentally taught my wife the word "unsubscribe". She now lets me know she's unsubscribing from some of my infodumps.

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Aug 3, 2023Liked by Liza Donnelly

Yes, we use TV subtitles a lot. Linda doesn't need them so much, but I neither see nor hear as well as she does, so I sit close to the TV and she is usually 8 or 10 feet from it. Of course, I'm 6 months older than she is, so I have a really good excuse.

But I interpreted the question to be about communication within the marriage, and that answer is different. Except for the inevitable occasional misstep that lasts but a moment, after 42 years Linda and I rarely get into tiffs and more. And when we do, the subtitles are off only because the dialogue, whether spoken or not, comes across loud and clear. And during pleasant or quiet times, we're mostly already in tune, and when something changes, we seem to communicate orally or subtly just fine, whatever suits the occasion..

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Aug 4, 2023Liked by Liza Donnelly

Love this. As a couple who both have hearing loss, even when wearing our hearing aids, the subtitles are essential sometimes.

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