Honestly Im relieved we have such a deep bench for her. Will be enthused whoever she picks.

Also, omg the cartoon stopped my heart! At once hilarious (“freshly harvested” cracked me up) but the creativity of that hard-working seagull touched my heart. You have an inherent sweetness in your work that feels really good.


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Thank you! that's a great compliment. I really mean it.

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Aug 2Liked by Liza Donnelly

Kelly seems a natural fit. I don't know what their chemistry is though (his and Kamala's).

I'm a Midwesterner, so I like Walz, Minnesota's governor if she is going to pick a Governor. (And a big no to Pritzker - Illinois is a sure bet for the Dem ticket, and Pritzker would be a big negative for Wisconsin voters, and WE NEED Wisconsin!)

I'm sorry Whitmer withdrew from consideration. I would love to see TWO WOMEN on the ticket.

Thanks for the cartoon! I love the idea of an entrepreneurial sea gull!

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I like Walz too. He’s direct, hilarious, and home spun smart.

But since the reveal is in PA, it feels like it might just be Shapiro.

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Josh Shapiro. Great cartoon.

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I like Mark Kelly the best, from AZ. But, being truthful, all her final 3 are great selections. I do agree with you on one thing. The Governor from Pennsylvania only has 2 years in government. That might be a drag on her campaign.

I would select Kelly. He brings a lot to the table.

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Aug 2Liked by Liza Donnelly

Let’s hope she goes for Kelly! He has so much that the magas just can’t talk trash about. Also will America really not be anti-Semitic ? I have to wonder.

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Aug 2Liked by Liza Donnelly

Funny cartoon. Could use a funny VP.

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Totally. Who's funny in the bunch?

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Walz. He started the whole “weird” trend, and he’s smart yet approachable. He’s jovial and funny.

There isnt really a bad choice in the final six.

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Aug 3Liked by Liza Donnelly

Walz occurred to me, too. But honestly, I don't know most of these guys. And I'm glad I don't have to chooise.

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Boy, ain’t that the truth! Choosing is tough. I do trust Kamala’s judgement though. Im do frigging proud of her. And SO RELIEVED we have a candidate who really can WIN!

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Aug 3Liked by Liza Donnelly

I think that Mark Kelly is by far the best choice. His career would be an excellent contrast to Vance's. Both are military men. Kelly also has credibility with his take on the border. He's been down there more than anyone. Choosing any of the three male governors would be similar to Hillary's VP pick....what's his name?

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Aug 3Liked by Liza Donnelly

My hope for VP was Gretchen Whitmer, but she now seems out of the running. I thought: two women at the top? Orange meltdowns, anyone? And not just for the effect on the former president and his cult, but mainly because she seems very smart, tough-minded, and at the same time personable; and because... two women at the top. In my lifetime! Now, about that seagull in the cartoon: Washington state has a large fleet of ferries carrying folks back and forth across Puget Sound; I commuted on those ferries on and off for a number of years. Seagulls would cruise alongside the ferries, and on the open upper decks, people would walk to the rail and hold out french fries, popcorn, etc. at arm's length; the seagulls would swoop down, and while still on the wing would deftly take the treats in their beaks and soar away. Very graceful fliers. They were more of a nuisance on shore, pestering people in open-air cafes on the Seattle waterfront, but still: very impressive birds. Maybe Kamala should pick a seagull to be her VP.

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Aug 3Liked by Liza Donnelly

Mark Kelly - I heard him speak in Florida a few years ago on environmental issues - he was on the program with Carl Hiassen and they were both great and funny

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Aug 3Liked by Liza Donnelly

"Harvested" makes that cartoon perfect. It's a laugh-out-loud moment. Thanks.

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Aug 3·edited Aug 3Liked by Liza Donnelly

OK. As you always do, but perhaps not as loud one time or another, I laughed out loud at the French fries and the bird. Love it. xoxo Childless Cat ladies for Kamala... Hey, that's me.... except I'm not childless as my cats are my children.

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Aug 3Liked by Liza Donnelly

I have no comments on the VP pick….it’s above my pay grade.😜 Your cartoon brought me back to summers days on the beach growing up in Rhode Island.Those fries would have been perfect with a local frozen Dels lemonade….as I sizzled in the sun slathered with baby oil.😎

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Aug 3Liked by Liza Donnelly

Seems to me Kelly would be best fit - for all reasons in above comments. I like them all though, every one of them.

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I hope she chooses Kelly.

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Aug 3Liked by Liza Donnelly

Mark Kelly. Shapiro has said several things about the Israel/Gaza situation that I think will anger younger people. I hope she picks Kelly! And IMO he is also the best choice due to experience in D.C. and his wife’s experience. I would love to see Gabby Giffords as the ‘second lady’. She deserves it. And I think will be a great advocate for many.

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Aug 3Liked by Liza Donnelly

I love the cartoon!

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