Now, the cart would simply say Venmo, PayPal....

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May 22Liked by Liza Donnelly

Your cartoon reminds of what my almost 3 year old granddaughter says when she is helping her father water the plants: “l am doing hose work”

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May 22Liked by Liza Donnelly

Damn right it should be front page news!

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Lets not get tangled in a few words or utterances. Reich and fascist are despicable words. But Trump's life, thinking, and actions are despicable. He has been assaulting women, urging hate as a way of life and seeking enormous world power. I respect Liza for using reich and fascist--don't get me wrong. But even without these words-----Trump endangers many on the globe. We will need to build peaceable ways to oppose him and his. It will be hard but we will; be building democracy--and that will help us all.

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It’s that he’s so blatant!!!

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May 22Liked by Liza Donnelly

Wonderful drawing !! I like your characters, they actually are alive!

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May 22Liked by Liza Donnelly

I am imaging Trump and his buddies all playing together at Reichstag.

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Just maybe those MAGA voters will read that and consider what that may mean to OUR country if tRump gets back in the Oval Office and follows through with some of his outrageous and dangerous plans and VOTE BLUE IN NOVEMBER for Democracy

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May 22Liked by Liza Donnelly

Liza. I wish I was that little girl right now!

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May 22Liked by Liza Donnelly

Reminds me of summertime when I was very young and my father used to make us shaved ice in a cup and put flavoring on it. Then we would run through the sprinkler. Happy times. Thanks for this....

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Trump, of course, is a profound problem for the country and the planet. Yes he is outrageously blatant and must be called out. Fascist and reich evoke--rightly--traditions and practices of Germany in the 30s. So yes to all you have said re Trump.

At the same time, and equally difficult, is we need to find ways to contain Trump's violent and combative followers. They are organizing and are real. This will be difficult and will demand our best peaceable thinking and needs to involve citizens. Trump must be weakened by the mass outpouring by the many who reject his ways and being. Designing and propelling that outpouring is an obligation and an opportunity. You can offer us gorgeous illustrations of that organizing!!!!!!! Draw the world we need Liza. You have the heart and brain and being.

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What you say is so true, bob. Thank you!

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May 23Liked by Liza Donnelly

Love the hosing off! We live in two places and left Nashville for Maine this morning for five months. I wanted to be hosed off every day for the last two weeks. I feel so fortunate to be able to get out of that heat every year.

The Truth Social thing is indeed terrifying. I am going to g out on a limb here but think Biden will win in a landslide. So many populations will be under threat in a Trump administration, including women writ large, LGBTQ+, etc. I do not really think he has the support anymore from ‘a base’ to overcome that. The polls have been very wrong before and I think they are wrong now. And I think Biden and Blinken are going to pull off a Middle East peace deal this summer or early fall. They sure are working hard to do it. 🤞

Thanks for your funny and cheery cartoon. Happy summer everyone!

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I love your optimism, I hope deeply that you are right, Ursula!

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Unified Reich??? I’m speechless.

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