What a wonderful experience you & Michael had, Liza! I have always loved Roz Chast's cartoons for so many years... great choice. James Thurber would be pleased!

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“Reason totters!” Indeed. And marvelous!

Thank you for taking us there with you!

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I’ve always being in love with the idea of Dorothy Parker. What a wordsmith and wit. Her speech describing Mr. Chast was as much a reward as the actual prize.

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Awesome. Give my regards to Roz. She is truly deserving. Glad everything went well.

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Wonderful idea for the prize and thank you for helping to set that up! Can there be a sub-category for Best Rejected New Yorker Cartoon? 😀

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Jun 1·edited Jun 1

This is a very interesting interview of Thurber with Alistair Cooke. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UA_CPtg_DNM

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I love this! I love Dorothy Parker’s introduction. I will promptly purchase that collection. I haven’t paid attention to Thurber for a few decades and I think then not enough. Congratulations on creating this wonderful award.!!!!!

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Terrible that the collection is out of print! But was able to buy a used copy!!

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Wish I would’ve known about this ceremony- I could’ve attended!

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Ah, reveries ~ remembering the anticipation of holding a fresh New Yorker in hand and wondering what Thurber's people would be experiencing this time. Thank you for immortalizing him in this way and congratulations to Roz Chast! Yours 'til the bed falls🤗, Jo Paulson Lynch

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