I think his comments support their Project 2025, which subjects women to remain at home to serve their husbands. This type of thinking is so outdated and misogynistic.

I am very excited about Kamala for President and the progressive movement toward the future.


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His wife clerked for Kavanaugh and Roberts. Vote 💙 if you believe in freedom and democracy.

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Wow. Thanks for that information.

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Vance is bad news.

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It would be just like Trump to find a way to dump Vance. But under those circumstances who would agree to step up? What lovely chaos! I applaud all people willing to speak up against Trump and Vance and strongly believe that with each passing day more women will register to vote and come November there will be a tsunami of women voters for Harris like never seen before. I hope so. Regardless, be strong and resilient as the epithets will be many and ugly. Just know you are not alone.

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I do think that women are now so fed up with these kinds of comments that we're just going to move forward. We're speaking.

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Vance is something out of the dark ages who should be living under a rock. His words are painful to listen to. Maybe he’s just playing a role like Hulk Hogan. But with declining old codger Trump, who needs a Vance creature a heartbeat away from the presidency. GO KAMALA.

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You are so measured in your remarks about this troglodyte. I’ve decided to watch my language today.

Everything here you say is so profoundly true, and because of it, so powerful.

Keeping it civil, faithfully, me. 🙌

My cat though? Not civil at all.

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I think the cats may just win this one.

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Me too 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛

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He’s such a loser.

I love my cats and my husband, and am perfectly content with our decision to not have kids.

What’s the big deal?

Not that many years ago, he would have been prohibited from marrying his non-white wife, and there are still people in his party who are against mixed marriages.

JD, that’s the beauty of America: individuals get to choose who they love, whether or not they get married, whether or not they have kids, and even if they want to end one marriage and get married again - or not. And the government does not control our decisions.

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Not being a cat lady or even lover, I don’t get the problem, is that an insult or derogatory reference? I don’t love cats but don’t hate them either and years ago had 2 cats. The problem may be that they are smart but independent, strong and agile can be seen as sneaky. I could call out cats and they might come or not. You cannot be that way and still bow down to a dictator/oligarch and republicans can’t have that behavior. Maybe that’s what scares them! The followers of the misogynistic rulers must all have had mommy issues. This is NOW not the 1800’s, they forgot to move forward. The male ego has taken hold and won’t let women, BTW the superior of the sexes, keep their place which was hard earned but correct.

Peace On brothers and sisters! VOTE BLUE

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⬆️⬆️ sitting quietly in the corner.

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Thanks for this essay, Liza. Woman and men will always tend to be different in some ways (unless we correct the hormonal balance of some of them, and yes, I mean the men). But I do feel we are approaching a level of cultural enlightenment that will make the JD Vances and Donald Trumps- and so many others -AUTOMATICALLY suspect, and needing to defend themselves (and good luck with THAT, boys).

Kamala can probably help us take the next step forward; so can others.

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I chose not to have children and have never once regretted my choice. I'm 62 now. I'm so thankful to have had access to birth control. In the movie "The Idea of You" the main character's best friend says: "Have I not warned you? People hate happy women." I think this is true for so many people. If we have choice, we may not choose the men who want to be chosen (who believe they are entitled to us, regardless of what we want). It's lovely when people have children because they love children. That was not true of my parents. It was expected and it happened. That's not a happy household to grow up in. Wouldn't we rather have a world where every child was loved and wanted? Imagine who those children would grow up to be...

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I read two columns today written by women who I always thought were somewhat liberal. Both of them bagged ferociously on Harris. Someone explain that to me.

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Early in the COVID game, don called the COVID threat.." a hoax"..Obviously, to protect sales/economy. But, the sages say that this cruel statement could have caused at least 150.00 unnecessary deaths.

Seems this tragedy has been put under the rug. Why?? comments..thx. DB

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Failure is an orphan?

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The Covid mismanagement, down to the actual hijacking of the needed items such as gowns, gloves and masks by the Kushner squad has never been adequately addressed. Hell, ‘swept under the rug’ is a more apt description of the get out of jail free card that the orange Don has been given.

Save us Kamala.

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Thanks Liza. Your words and way bring light to the dark corners of hate and division. May Kamala choose a strong and sure fellow future creator as VP. Michelle Obama, Stacy Abrams and Pete Buttigeg come to mind. I choose them for their many strengths that have brought them prominence. Cerainly there are others.

And as always we must build and rebuild community in its many forms as the safeguard and opportunity that will honor all. We are the leaders we are looking for as that saying reminds us.

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Love this commentary. And, of course, the toons. I must really be the exception: I am a feminist, crazy childless cat lady, who used to model (so probably not ugly), who is married, loves men, shave my legs, and cook when I have to. But I don't want a Handmaid's Tale world and I can't see us regressing after all we've been through. Oh, and con-cats on funding your project. Yay.

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