Aug 9Liked by Liza Donnelly

She who laughs, lasts. Good post. I want to revise my comment from yesterday when I painted Trump as a liar and thief. On second thought, lying takes self-awareness and a conscious attempt to avoid embarrassment or avoid being caught. Perhaps he isn't lying, but is delusional. His delusions are truth to him. And one cannot dispel delusions with facts or truth. The danger is when someone acts on delusions.

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Good point.

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Aug 9Liked by Liza Donnelly

I am loving the joy so evident in the Harris-Walz ticket. I am feeling hopeful for a change. Thank you for sharing your viewpoint.

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Aug 9Liked by Liza Donnelly

I love the joy in the cartoon above.

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Aug 9Liked by Liza Donnelly

How many people, I wonder, resisted voting for Hilary because of Bill? (Not me, her husband.)

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What sets Kamala free is Joe minding the store.

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Aug 10Liked by Liza Donnelly

All true

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There’s a couple sayings I always heard growing up.

1. Laughter is good for the soul.

2. He who laughs last laughs loudest.

You can tell that Vice President Harris is having fun. I love her laugh. She’s a good spirited woman. But, as she demonstrated with the hecklers/protesters at her rally the other evening. I definitely would not want to be on her bad side after pissing her off!

As long as we all get to the polls, flood them with our vote for Harris/Walz, and the other Democratic candidates on the ticket in the local, state, and federal levels, then we, she, will be laughing last, and the loudest.

One last thing, off of the laughter. Unless you laugh at Trump every time he opens his mouth. I listened to all I could of his ‘press conference’ from Mar-a-Lago. Every single time he opened his mouth, he told a lie. It is sickening to think that about 42% of the people in this nation actually believe that garbage he is spewing! I swear, a kindergarten child would not believe the crap he says. What is it with these grown adults? Are they that stupid?!?!

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Aug 10Liked by Liza Donnelly

So nice to see Hilary let off the hook 🥰

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Hillary won the popular vote in the 2016 election! And, at the time, I thought she was going to win, no problem! But I believe it was Trump’s illegal actions and lies, that he got away with at the time, that helped him win. For example, Russian interference (Hillary’s 30,000 emails) and the porn star coverup along with fraud to influence an election. If he had played fair (impossible!) like she was, he would not have won that election! I think we are not as naive in this election as we evidently were during the 2016 election. Thoughts?

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Perhaps not so naive, but more social media-misinformed. Look what it is doing in Great Britain.

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Donna, The Russian hackers that Putin had is e we hope actually gave the election to Trump. Putin had his hackers manipulate the Electoral College count in Trump’s favor, giving him the election. Putin needed Trump in the Oval Office for one reason only. He had to have access to our intelligence, and Trump gave him that.

If you think back, after Trump was elected is when Putin began planning, and became such a strength, in the western world. Especially after Trump removed us from NATO and turned all our allies against us.

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Aug 10Liked by Liza Donnelly

Love the laughing woman! How refreshing to have two candidates who can both laugh while being sincere.

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Aug 10·edited Aug 10

My hero, Erma Bombeck, once said, "When humor goes, there goes civilization." Now, I generally turn the orange man off the TV soon as he appears, or skip the articles that show his face, but, you know, when I am forced to see him, I have never once seen him laugh. It's generally just the accordion hands and a complaint, or a lie. Nothing joyous or uplifting ever passes between his lips. Must be a difficult way to go about life. Anyway, I live to write, and to laugh. So I loved the commentary and the drawing. xoxo Making people smile is your ministry and I'm happy to be one of your congregants. xo

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