Aug 5Liked by Liza Donnelly

In coastal Virginia, we have, on occasion, coyotes lurk at the dune line, foxes also. A possum sauntered by our community pool located about 50 yards from the surf. Ghost crabs fall into the pool and will pinch your feet if you're not looking, but the guards fish them out pretty quickly. I think this all goes to show we have encroached on their territories. But the worst of the worst are sand fleas in your swimsuit. The only way to avoid is no swimsuit!

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Aug 5Liked by Liza Donnelly

Ghost crabs are the nemesis of loggerhead turtles in southwest Florida. The turtles come up on the beach, bury 80 to 120 eggs a foot deep in the sand. Ghost crabs dig down and decimate the nests if they aren't protected (caged).

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Aug 5Liked by Liza Donnelly

I didn’t know that! The big ghost crabs have no fear. My dog get pinched in the nose a few times until she finally figured it out. Turtle nests here (and on Ocracoke Island off NC, I’ve noticed) are fenced once they are found during daily beach monitoring. Some nests get 24-hour observation.

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Aug 5Liked by Liza Donnelly


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Aug 5Liked by Liza Donnelly

"Thanks!" -- Uncle Fred

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Aug 5Liked by Liza Donnelly

Oh yippee, you're having a vacation. Good on you. After all you've been through, you've earned it. I'm not a big beach goer as I burn to a crisp. When I was a kid, I would get really burned and my mom would put wet teabags on me to soak up the heat. So I'll just watch videos of the waves coming in and out, sip a mocktail, and pet the cats.

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Aug 5Liked by Liza Donnelly

We were beach kids and I don’t know what my mom was thinking by slathering us in baby oil. Hence the freckles on my shoulder forever.

Thank god for my dad’s eldest sister and summer guardian in Greece when I was a teenager - bought me a hat with a wide brim on day 2, gave me a blouse to wear when I was not in the water “at all times”, slathered me in yogurt when I got even slightly burned.

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Patris....is yogurt good for sunburn? Never heard that one. Boy, the things you learn on Liza's substack. LOL.

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It worked at least I believed it did. She’d used it for decades (and presumably decades before her when her mother used it on her and her four sisters). She’d smooth it on and I sat until it hardened on my shoulders. Then shower it off.

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I’m not a good beach goer now either. Too fair ! And thanks, Allia.

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Aug 5Liked by Liza Donnelly

Enjoy va a

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Aug 5Liked by Liza Donnelly

Love 'killer seagulls'. Beautiful to watch fly, but they are really just big white rats with wings and a penchant for McD's fries.

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Aug 5Liked by Liza Donnelly

I love this cartoon AND that you’re on vacation!

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😂🤣😂🤣Love this one!!

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Enjoy your vacation and exhale deeply. I think we may really be in luck, I hope we are. I feel relaxed and hopeful.

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