
Unfortunately I think he will get off because it only takes one not guilty vote for the defense to win.

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Very likely

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Getting tense. Is this country going to make this "person" answer or not?

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What's WRONG with AMERICA is A M E R I C A N S

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I “met” Liza though another Substack:https://open.substack.com/pub/chopwoodcarrywaterdailyactions/p/chop-wood-carry-water-528-fc5?r=fqsxl&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

I also try to share Liza’s passion and talent. If you share Liza’s passion….please be part of the change.

Every action counts….

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What’s the crime, exactly? It can’t be suppression of bimbo eruptions or Bill Clinton, former Horndog-in-Chief, would be in prison today. Or it can’t be suppression of embarrassing family facts or Joe Biden would be in jail over his son Hunter’s salacious laptop. So tell me, what’s the crime?

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What’s the crime, exactly? It can’t be suppression of bimbo eruptions or Bill Clinton, former Horndog-in-Chief, would be in prison today. Or it can’t be suppression of embarrassing family facts or Joe Biden would be in jail over his son Hunter’s salacious laptop. So tell me, what’s the crime?

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The point you’re missing as usual is that it wasn’t/isn’t the sex that’s the issue.

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So what is the issue, precisely?

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In this case that he claims to have never met Stormy Daniels. Or to have paid to kill the story. Why does he lie? Seriously. What do you think?

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So what? Is there any violation of the law involved? No? Then what’s your issue?

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Well the charge is that acting in concert with cohen and Pecker it amounted to a conspiracy. Specifically to influence the election. (And he thinks his best argument is that he never met her. So he’s essentially being charged for being a moron. Which imo he is let’s face it. )

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Which is not a crime, duh. Candidates for public office have no legal obligation to disclose the salacious details of their personal lives. So, basically, you’re full of shit. Sorry to be so rudely frank, but there it is.

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I've got a feeling that come Monday, the hammer of justice is going to come down hard on Donald Trump. These jurors have had enough of his lies, his scheming, and his blatant disregard for the law. They're going to send a message that no one, not even a former president, is above the law.


So .buckle up, buttercups, because the final act of this drama is about to unfold, and it's going to be a doozy. The jury's got the power now, and they're not afraid to use it. Trump may have thought he was untouchable, but he's about to find out that in the city that never sleeps, justice never rests. The reckoning is coming, and it's going to be a sight to behold.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

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Steinglass slayed.

So do your sketches and comments.

Thank you Liza!

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You really captured Blanche! I don’t know how he sleeps at night. He must know what he is doing to his own reputation. The chances are that tfg won’t even pay him if he is convicted.

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