You know, I am beginning to be really really afraid of this whole Project 25 and the way the hard right is thinking. I was listening to public radio and they had a man on (just came in the tail ending, so don't have the full context), but it seems he had access to prayers the hard right had written out and they are full of the fact that this election is "good against evil," and that the orange man is "God's vehicle" to get things back to a Christian country. Holy Moly! And that it is "God's Will" that the orange should win. And that people who are against the orange man should be punished when he wins (as if). Good Lord, save us. Am I reading The Handmaid's Tale? Or is this really happening? We are definitely in the fight of our lives.

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There is so much fear surrounding him. That’s why the joy of the Harris campaign is so important. I believe that joy triumphs hate. I’m holding that in my consciousness and only letting the tiniest bit of orange pollution in. As soon as it begins to feel threatening I back off and go back to focusing on joy.

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Aug 12Liked by Liza Donnelly

I'll try that. Thanks.

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Aug 12Liked by Liza Donnelly

KittyLiterate, I’m in Florida so yes, Project 2025 is happening now. Draconian abortion ban,defunding contraception,book bans, defunding public Ed, no mention of climate change +++ That said I’m riding this blue wave 🌊 ! Action is the best remedy for anxiety and fear.Please do whatever is in your comfort zone…write postcards, donate, display a yard sign, make phone calls, be a canvas driver,wear a messaging t-shirt, talk with neighbors and friends about how Project 2025 affects your/their families. We can do this !!Trust me….and I live in a MAGA red county.💙

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Aug 12Liked by Liza Donnelly

Oh, thanks so much for the pep talk. If you can live in the heart of it and have faiith, so can I. Thanks so much.

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Love one another.

This is the key. The fiction of "Christian" nationalism can't withstand it. If opportunity presents itself, ask how this fits. Be prepared for exploding heads. :D

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Good one. And the greatest of these is "love one another." Thanks.

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IT is so very frightening and hard to believe that it's real.

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Aug 12Liked by Liza Donnelly

I did leave Twitter when Musk bought it. And I loved Twitter. I had over 4000 followers and a megaphone for good that I was happy with. But with Twitter (and pretty much all social media) *we* are the product, and I couldn't justify being there and contributing to Musk's success (and ability to do harm). I do understand the people who stayed in order to provide light in a dark place. It's a very difficult decision to make.

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It has been, and I respect those that left. I continually ask myself about why I stay.

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I think that's important--a continual reassessment. The pros and cons change. Knowing that you can do without it is empowering and allows you to stay for as long as the good outweighs the bad... (I am very glad you're here on substack!)

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I’ll be boycotting with you, but will pay as much attention as it warrants afterwards. I cannot stomach the orange one, not his voice nor his scowl.

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The biggest LIES and the greatest FRAUD ( two puns!) are the sizes of the American body. No One tells this truth.

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Aug 12Liked by Liza Donnelly

For those concerned about brand safety:and still on Twitter/X:

“You may want to opt out of replies on X if you’re worried about brand safety. Here’s why.”


I support Marc Elias and Democracy Docket because I’m concerned about what Trump will/plans to do if he loses the election.

“As the founder of Democracy Docket and Partner at Elias Law Group, Marc Elias is a nationally recognized authority in voting rights, redistricting and law. In 2020, Marc led the historic legal effort to protect voting rights, winning over 60 lawsuits against the GOP’s efforts to suppress the vote. As Republicans continue to mount aggressive challenges to voting, Marc continues to fight back in court and on Twitter. Fighting for democracy by his side is Marc’s Portuguese Water Dog named Bode.”


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Aug 13Liked by Liza Donnelly

Been following their work and grateful for everything they do - and have modestly supported for quite a while. They are tireless in their efforts to challenge draconian efforts to overturn civil rights in court -and win.

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Aug 12Liked by Liza Donnelly

I don’t use twitter or X and don’t plan to. I have a smart friend who does and sends me anything really important or funny. Today it was the latest Randy Rainbow - hilarious. I’m following mostly you and others like Heather on Substack. There’s such an overload of misinformation and disinformation. I’ve gone through my social media “friends” and made certain all are reasonable people who can discuss and debate without becoming ugly. Then I go play a silly computer game. At 75 I’m enjoying some playtime.

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Aug 12Liked by Liza Donnelly


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Hashtag TrumponX looks a lot like TamponX. And Im not sure how to think about that.

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Tampons have utility. Need I say more? :D

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He is an abomination.

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I left. Never into it that much before. Don't think either Musk or Trump is a good person.

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Same. Agreed

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He is and so be it. Other than his base, who are exceedingly base, does he persuade anyone, or is he Kamala’s best asset? Let him spout and destroy the support of any small part of the Republican fringe who have integrity and honour. I’m starting to think Kamala’s going ace it. Yay!

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Aug 13Liked by Liza Donnelly

But hold onto your nuts. He doesn’t take losing well. It will be a bad week while 🤷‍♂️

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That's my squirrel's job

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