Perfect drawing!

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🎉🍾 Love the drawing.

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Thanks again Liza for all your wonderful work!! Your articles were the best, I used to look everyday to see what you had to say. Now we can all celebrate!!!!!

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Let's start a petition to make May 30th a national holiday. We can call it 30 de mayo, after the Mexican holiday celebrating the defeat of another emperor.

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Love the drawing, perfect.

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Perfect representation of this moment in time.

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Halle-freaking-lujah. Great job, NY! Though I read--is this accurate?--that he can still run for and BECOME president...as a CONVICTED felon. So, someone has to have been born here, and be at least 35 years old, but he/she/they can also be a CONVICTED FELON? So convicted felons have limited voting rights in most states, but they can be president? Somebody please make it make sense...

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Love it!

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Whoopee. Half way there. (Need jail time.)

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T in a prison jumpsuit! Finally he is being held accountable! Thank you Liza! Love your drawings!

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May 31·edited May 31

I was so afraid of a mistrial. It only needed one juror to fold. When I heard the news on PBS, you know, the first person I thought of, truthfully.... is...you. What would you draw? You lived up to my expectations. Hope the Thurber celebration goes well. xo

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My thoughts, too...ONE JUROR could have sunk the verdict. Which goes to show, I think, that the evidence was unassailable.

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It is good to see the justice system work.

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