You are spot on!! And even though you deftly use irony and absurdity to help make your points, we all know that Trump tearing down the Statue of Liberty is (maddeningly) nowhere nearly as absurd a concept as it might seem!!!

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Great Trump cartoon.

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Right Robert, tRump is so unprincipled and unpredictable that anything is now possible. That’s just one more reason to vote: HARRIS - WALZ !!

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Trump's primary power is to instill and expand race/class/gender hatred. It has long been at the core of this country and remains a poisonous elixir for often economically imperiled whites who are urged to hate (especially) migrants from the south--rather than the billionaires who closed their factories or other work sites (Liza wisely reminds us NYC is a more inclusive community! Yes!).

Trump, like others, encourage outbursts. Haitians have long been vilified by Trump and others-- reaching back to 1804 when they won their freedom from slave owners. And we need not mention the many Republicans who stand silent today as racist hate is spread. Vance should pick vegetables with the many farmworkers of color who deliver food to his family and the nation.

We should build community and positive conversation in our families, blocks and homesteads and encourage exchanges in the crucial electoral states. Whites especially should champion cooperative, anti-racist, gender friendly engagements across the nation. I'm sure Heather Cox Richardson, in her site, and this wonderful community, will offer ideas!. There is an amazing!!!!!! VT centered organization called Migrant Justice we can find online and support here in the NE. As MLK and today's communities of color remind us: only love can conquer hate....together....

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You are the best - I'm not sure why he hasn't done that (and put a golf course on the Island where she is

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That's trump in a nutshell.

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“Nutshell” being the key word

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Choosing Trump is like choosing a rotten peach at a fruit stand. Time for fresh produce. Kamala is ripe and ready to lead America, and she comes from immigrants.

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The previous comment, with its reference to "nutshells", and your reference to fruit... Nutty as a fruitcake?

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Well written. And the cartoon is something he would do in a nanosecond if it helped his election. I'm so happy we're past the cat thing and perhaps now can focus on issues like the economy, which is booming, Project 25, which many voters still don't know about, and tariffs, which the orange man needs a course on. Hope the documentary filming is going well. Thanks for all you do to keep us sane.

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He couldn't tear Liberty down, so now his party's trying to build a wall around her.

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Thank you, Liza, for all you post, especially today.

Brilliant cartoon!!

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