Good cartoons. I am (or was) a lawyer. There is the majority of lawyers -- conscientious, honest, ethical, purpose-driven, community focused -- and then there are MAGA lawyers.

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Thanks. I know, there are many more good (ethical) lawyers than bad, I'm sure.

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Yes, sadly. Love the cartoons.

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Mar 16Liked by Liza Donnelly

Most are not - they mirror the population I’d say - but purpose driven attorneys are golden. I know a few. I can vouch for them.

The tactics of the MAGA have done several things - none good imo, but also has shown the genuine decency I marvel at in those undeterred from acting ethically. And prepared to do so.

We’re a litigious society. But that’s not all bad. Lawyers who bring suits against the corrupt who are indifferent to the harm they cause are the reason we have any integrity in business and regulations in place to keep us and our neighbors safe.

I do love the cartoons, Liza. You are amazing.

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Thank you, Patris. It's funny, i just wrote above that I assume there are more ethical lawyers than not. But you may be right. But the purpose driven ones (love that description) are amazing to watch. Like Roberta Kaplan, she comes to mind.

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Mar 16Liked by Liza Donnelly

Yes - women especially- likely because of their frustration that mirrors those of women. Once you get the keys to the car, you get to drive it, yes?

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Yes. You see all that needs to be fixed and....

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Thanks for your words as keeper of the news. Willis stays!!!!! She is strong as can be.

All of us to find and test our strengths. And to determine how to build broad, diverse, deep, no BS people's movements: stretch, dare, resist, occupy, organize, build.

The dangerous right is highly active and visionary.--but a small group They must be blocked--somehow: peaceably and directly. They will grow in the shadows and are ignored at real risk. Yale's Tim Snyder has many fine essays.

Most of us are more progressive--and need to bury white supremacy that Trump and Rudy g and others draw upon. Fanni Willis is one of many!!!!! Michelle Alexander, Ruth Ann Gilmore, Stacy Abrams and Elizabeth Wilkerson are all great leaders. Black women have been fighting since day one and need support!!!!! Yes it may sound silly: but working people power of all backgrounds is the way forward.....

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I have been saying for months now, wouldn't it be just wonderful if one or several Black women brought Trump down!!

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Mar 16Liked by Liza Donnelly

Then we’d really know that his karma is in fact a woman. Preferably a minority woman. It couldn’t get any better.

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Mar 16·edited Mar 16Liked by Liza Donnelly

I'm happy the judge let Fani stay. And I hope this makes her even more determined. I applaud her courage, and loathe and detest the orange man's sleezy tactics. I do wish the media would focus more on the horrible things he says, and keep bringing them up, harping on them, particularly his saying he would let Russia "do whatever the hell they want to" to NATO......." Wake up people....please.

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Liza, it was absolutely the judge’s prerogative to render judgement of Fani Willis’ conduct in his courtroom. Like the captains of US Navy warships, judges are the sovereign rulers of their courtrooms. There are no exceptions for “strong Black women,” angry or not.

The judge’s ruling in this matter has blown a huge hole in the case against Trump. Though Willis is formally allowed to remain on the case, her credibility is in tatters and the defense has been presented with numerous causes for dismissal or appeal. That’s all on Willis. The judge’s decision was questionable in that he tried to split the difference, but he excoriated Willis to such an extent that I doubt she’ll be able to try the case. All, in all, it was a highly entertaining demonstration of the limitations of lawfare.

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Thanks! Love the drawings. Don't want to be mean, but that Ashleigh Merchant is a piece of work. The clip that Kareem showed the other day of her responding to questions by the State senator is incredible. You wonder how she got through law school.

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Mar 16·edited Mar 16Author

I didn't see the clip, wish I had...but she was something, you're right! Thank you!

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Yes--Black women leading a broad coalition...can do it....We also need to look carefully at electoral college: PA; NJ: Wisco: Mich; Ga and so on need to go Biden. And exactly what do we do besides voting? Voting is needed but not enouggh. Smile to you Liza

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Mar 16Liked by Liza Donnelly

I am a lawyer too. Forty years of practice, heavy litigation in NY, deeply entrenched in legal ethics throughout.

Ms. Willis stays; Mr. Wade goes: an appropriate decision by J. McAfee from a technical legal perspective.

But I remain furious at both Ms. Willis and Mr. Wade for jeopardizing a critical prosecution against these defendants in GA. They should be referred to the GA bar for whatever action the Bar's Ethics Committee deems appropriate.

But to put the state's prosecution and the many millions of dollars Georgians have invested in this matter at risk through their personal conduct is outrageous and embarrassing to me as a lawyer. Any and every lawyer should know this behavior was HIGHLY problematic.

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