Women have voted this toxicity out before; they will again!

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

Like some Dickensian character, Trump is running from the specter of Fred, his father and his father’s accusation that he is a loser. Every day his father's assessment seems more accurate, and every day he desperately tries to redeem himself. Mozart and Da Ponte could have written a tragicomic opera, Don Donny, perhaps. Mark Robinson is not an operatic villain, but he may think of himself as Bess' Sportin' Life.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

Thank you, Liza, for, (sadly) illustrating how it is all too real for so many women ( and some men).Yes, Convicted Criminal Trump has advanced this toxic culture. He has/had so many enablers…

As a woman, and former Domestic Violence Victim Advocate, I’m repulsed by Mark Robinson, the current NC Lt. Governor.Here’s a 30 second ad by his opponent, Dem Josh Stein, highlighting Robinson’s awfulness. Please share.


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Hadn’t seen that ad, pure ignorance and violent arrogance.

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Too true and sad ;(

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Thank you Liza, these things need to be said. Your drawings are chilling but apt. There is work to do... for all of us.

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Mark Robinson. What an embarrassment to North Carolina. We are better than that.

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Unfortunately with the Orwellian language of woke when gender replaces sex,women DO lose out in sport, in safe single sex spaces, in prisons and maternity wards. It is much more complicated than left vs right or a reaction to “woke”. Many of us progressives and old leftists have been left by our beloved democrats! We are the same, they have changed.

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There are many ways that those deep and carefully wrought understandings have been broken up and specialized, made into whole new industries in the good old corporate capitalist ways of organizing our economics. And subject to a lack of accurate and respectful treatment by our - excuse me, not our - MSM that so many people are still glued to as if not being able to breathe without it. Or think. Now, I have read, the average age of journalists is 28, which means they've been heavily uninfluenced by the better education that was often provided up until Bush's teach to the test in 2002, 22 years ago when they were six. This was accompanied by many many splinterings off of newer and newer interest groups so very fond of labels in that especially American tribal manner, apparently anything to avoid a common sense of humanity that our '60s and '70s coalition building used, to accomplish so much. In the healing professions

we've seen that to the point of losing many possible general practitioners so essential to general health. This divisiveness is the hallmark of Corporate Capitalism and Patriarchy. no wonder the CCs and the Ps are fighting back so hard to keep their dizzyingly silly heads above water.

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Well said, and, as always, spot on drawings. I feel the same way you do...how in the world can a woman...any woman...vote for someone with such a potty mouth, a loud, crass, egotistical, vengeful liar? I find nothing redeeming in him...not one thing. And here lately, his statements are all over the place. They sound like the free-form ramblings of a chipmunk. I worked in the domestic violence field and woman wouldn't leave for the most unreasonable reasons, such as, "I can't balance my checkbook." I told this particular woman, I'm older than dirt and have never balanced my checkbook. That's no reason to get beat up every night." And the "He didn't mean it," is, sadly, the most common excuse. They say, "Well, of course he drinks and wears my slip, but he's better than nothing." Honey, don't believe it. Thanks for this thoughtful post. xoxo

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I completely echo these experiences, having been there, having created opportunities at first alone in 1966 then together with other women to provide a Battered Women's Shelter.

Had the male-run press done the manly thing and supported our efforts a lot more women would have been wakened to their actual rights and a real inner dialogue as well as an outer one.

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Wonderful post. Thank you Liza

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You're being nicer than I would be.

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I’m glad you can’t imagine being in a domestic violence situation. I was for many years before there were any resources available for assistance. And people didn’t believe what I told them. The sheriff’s deputies thought it was funny and told me to be a better wife. Thank goodness things are better than that. But the cycle of abuse is difficult to get out of and stay out of. Many women just pick another person who turns out to be abusive.

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Men! I simply don’t understand how we let them keep HURTING us.

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I feel there's an epidemic of low self esteem in women. So many women think they just don't deserve any better. It's not a new realization. I don't know how to solve it. I grew up in a household where women were devalued. So many girls do. It's a hard thing to climb out from under. Somehow we have to try. Your cartoons shine a light on it. We need this. To speak up, write poems, tell stories, draw pictures that show how things are and how they could be if we decide not to tolerate violence anymore.

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I love that you bring all of these uncomfortable issues into the limelight here. It is hard to understand why people vote against their own best interests and choose to believe cult figures, like Trump, even when what they say does not make logical sense. Women and men both do this, but women and minorities are more likely to suffer dire consequences for these choices.

Thank you for all that you do.

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