Unfortunately, too many of us want “bravado and bluster”, and don’t care if it is wrong or evil or cruel. The worst thing you can be is weak, no matter that you have the facts and morality and truth on your side. Joe is a great guy and has been a great president — and I believe he would be a great president again — but he can never win at this game.

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By “ us”, I mean our fellow citizens. Not people who think or act or believe like us. Everybody’s vote counts the same.

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I agree, but I think we can try to change it!

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Jul 5Liked by Liza Donnelly

Good points. Thank you for your commentaries and your drawings. They're much appreciated.

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Style is one thing - cognitive impairment is another. Yes i will be watching and praying that his answers make sense. If not he has to recognize his limitations and step back. I think a majority of Americans would vote for a rock rather than trump but not a rotting vegetable.

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Jul 5Liked by Liza Donnelly

I am very water tower this weekend !

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Jul 6Liked by Liza Donnelly

I love my water towers too. Memories of the skyline from Brooklyn to Manhattan when we’d drive in..

I’m hoping for the best. Cogent, relevant questions - and answers. But I’m not taking my eye off the reeking threat of the Yam lurking in wait while everyone’s dancing.

I was a minority maybe, in appreciating Hillary’s thorough and unapologetic knowledge. I think it was someone on Chris Matthew’s show who denounced her as “over prepared”, they can still kiss my … water tower.

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ha! Over prepared. I am not sure what expletive to put here, just imagine a loud one.

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Jul 6Liked by Liza Donnelly

Love love love the water tower at the beach. Water towers are people, too. LOL. I know a lot of authors who are brilliant writers, but couldn't get an "A" in oratory for love nor money. It's a special skill. And I second the notion that you can be a great leader without winning a Ted Talk contest. As for the interview, not watching. I'll rely on your feedback.

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Jul 6Liked by Liza Donnelly

In my opinion, great orators change minds and hearts, and thereby intentions. Ideally they affect everyone, even those who already agree with them in that they reinforce that viewpoint. There is great content and great delivery, but not so often at the same time. Trump is exceptional in that he often speaks directly from his bizarre mind. Everyone else these days has a team of speechwriters, so delivery is sets them apart. Hillary certainly had her moments in that regard -- and more so, I think, since she stopped running for office.

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No we’re not at the beach, just figured they would be packed and we can avoid all that next week , summer is here.

I do hope that the voters can see through the tRump BS and lies. I for one cannot stand even the sound of his voice. I missed the interview but will catch replays tomorrow.

Stay safe and sane and thanks for giving me a chuckle at days end .

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We do not live in an era of substance.

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Jul 6Liked by Liza Donnelly

While I am freezing in the UK, it's nice to be reminded there are warm places on this planet.

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I saw cognitive impairment in the interview. Not as bad as during the debate. I also don’t think he can win. He has been an outstanding president and would be again if he were not impaired. His stance is all too reminiscent of Ruth Bader Ginsberg. If only she had retired in time for Obama to nominate a successor. I respected the Times editorial today, although I wish they had put their critique of Trump first.

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