I love the "live" drawings (I love all your drawings)

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Thank you!

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:D Feel better already! Many thanks

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Aug 10Liked by Liza Donnelly

I think your post contains the answer to your "why". 🙏

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Therapeutic to do and to watch you💕

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I"m glad!

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Aug 10Liked by Liza Donnelly

I really enjoyed watching the video of the person jumping over the cat. I especially liked the sound of your pencil scratching on the paper - soothing in its own way.

A long time ago (I'm old) I worked through Betty Edwards's book, "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain". Following her exercise of contour drawing, I realized why drawing quiets my mind: the part of my consciousness that processes verbal stuff tends to recede, while I get very non-verbally involved in spatial stuff, intuitive stuff around proportion, etc.

You mentioned that it's tough for you to come up with cartoon ideas. For me, creative ideas can come up easily sometimes, but other times not; I think part of "hitting the wall" has to do with the very personal nature of creativity: at the best of times, we're digging deep, trying to express things that are very real to us, not trivial, not cliches. And we're going to show this to other people (in your case, quite a few other people: I've read that New Yorker readership is close to a million and a half.) So, no, cartooning is NOT for the faint of heart; no honest creative endeavor is. Bless you for your courage and perseverance.

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Aug 11Liked by Liza Donnelly

Love this thoughtful comment. Drawing does that for me as well. Taps into something very fundamentally *me*. Brings me back to center. A gift.

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That's so great. You're right.

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Thank you, Ward. I recall Edwards's book, it was groudnbreaking. I think you're right. I was always a quiet girl, and did not want to speak much so I think this brings me back to that time perhaps. For me the cartooning part is hard for the reason you say....but also it is so competetive. It's hard not to think about that when trying to create something funny.

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Aug 10Liked by Liza Donnelly

I really like all the story lines that could be in the drawing you started with-I can come up with at least eight-maybe nine. Thanks for giving me some creative thoughts-which would have to be in words-far less expressive than your drawings!!

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Thank you!

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Love the live drawings. Love all of your drawings. Great question

"What Is Your Why?" Long story about how I became a teacher at 46 and taught 6th grade for 20 years. Then substituted. I wanted to make a difference. I still do. But seeing your drawing today I with cats, dogs, birds and people enjoying themselves is why I am now camping. I will get out on my kayak at Swan Bay and be among the geese, wildlife, see big freighters sailing the St. Lawrence and also enjoy watching all of the other campers enjoying their children and pets. My granddaughters are both busy with work, driver's ed, and my husband is kind enough to haul the camper and get me set up. I don't bring my beagle anymore because then I wouldn't be able to go anywhere. He loved camping but would get so pooped at looking at everything, sniffing everything, etc. Never mind if he sees a squirrel or chipmunk. I can't fly through the air as he goes chasing them. Camping is my therapy before the news picks back up again, doctors appointments, mowing lawns, trimming, etc. Of course I do have my compute so I can stay in touch. So, before I get settled to read a book or pick up my crochet or knitting tonight I just had to check in. So, my why is just to take time for myself right now and enjoy.

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Enjoy yourself!!!!

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Thank you! I am. Even though it's a rainy day I know the sun is shining above the clouds. I can see ships gliding the St. Lawrence as some campers left early this morning. A duck flew in and landed at my campsite. I have finished a book "I'll Take Your Questions Now What I saw at the Trump White House" by Stephanie Grisham. Explains how power corrupts. More evident than ever that the former guy in the White House only cared and cares about one thing - himself. Next, crocheting.

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Aug 11Liked by Liza Donnelly

I love that drawing video. I can see you relaxing a bit this past week with some better political news. It is nice to move away from it and see a person leaping over a cat, seems joyful and FUN!

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I am more relaxed, it's true. I will have to shift again when she wins!!!

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Aug 11Liked by Liza Donnelly

I wish I knew my *why*! I have a vague sense of wanting to leave the world better than I found it. But I'm not organized or disciplined in this pursuit. I have a tshirt that says: Making it up as I go along (I realize Indiana Jones said that, too). That's how I do it. No grand plan, just taking each day as it comes. I don't know if that's good, but it is what's true.

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Able to leap over sleeping cats in a single bound! Love the "super" drawing! And it was live--even better!

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Aug 11Liked by Liza Donnelly

Some time creativity needs a rest, too. I love the cats. Right now, mine is meowing for food; he just ate two hours ago.

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