Aug 23Liked by Liza Donnelly

It makes me cry. The horror of Jan 6, but also (in a good way) the light and hope of a new administration, breaking new barriers. The diversity of the crowd (and THE CANDIDATES!) makes me feel like, finally, there can be a seat for everyone at the table. I'm making donations. My husband and I are writing postcards for Activate America. I'm holding my breath a little. November is SO SOON. We need to get this one right...

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GREAT! Yes, we do.

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Aug 23Liked by Liza Donnelly

A beautiful piece. Thank you Liza.

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Thank you, Paul.

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Aug 23Liked by Liza Donnelly

Thanks, Liza, for this beautiful summing-up of where we came from (you and I are the same generation), and the path forward. I strongly support Kamala and Tim, and all the other Democrats on every ticket in every state.

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Thank you, Chuck.

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Aug 23Liked by Liza Donnelly

Could not have said this better. Definitely could not have drawn these - wouldn’t even try!

Thank you for your voice your art your great good sense!🙏💙

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Thank you, Patris!

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Kamala Harris & Co. declare that America is going forward, not back. But one of the few policy proposals she has shared with us is a federal government initiative to lower and control prices. How this is to be accomplished remains unclear, but the idea is far from new. Richard Nixon tried something similar in the Seventies, and then there’s the Roman emperor Diocletian’s Edict on Maximum Prices, dating from 301 AD.

I give you one guess how well such government meddling in the market has fared.


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Actually, a fair number of states have similar policies already in place. They are not "price controls" of the Nixon ilk. I lived through that, and it wasn't good. It has to do with stemming price raises that have nothing to do with the causes of inflation, and everything to do with greed.

For example, the price of eggs went up due to bird flu's devastation. Clear supply and demand. At all levels, producers, wholesalers, and retailers--and customers--were affected. But there are companies recording record profits where it isn't at all clear that the reason for increases is inadequate supply.

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I’ve been sharing this Guardian article.Some of the profit margins are insane !


Here in hurricane-prone Florida, we’re all too familiar with price gouging…

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Another article, this one about Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson filing an antitrust lawsuit, asserting "RealPage helps landlords conspire to inflate rental prices in Washington."


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Those policies deal with emergency situations, not inflation, duh.

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The Bratgirl claims that inflation is down to “corporate greed.” So do you really believe that? Do you believe that the government can lower prices just by waving some magic wand? Are you really that detached from economic realities? Well, I suppose so. And that being the case, there’s a brutal reality check in your future.

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Here’s the thing, Kamala has already shown that she does what she promises. There are numerous examples. This is not a person who is going to give us vague promises, which is what we unfortunately have come to expect. She does the work first, and she and we all know that 1 month is not enough time to present policy proposals.

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Having run into quite a few apparently ahistorical people here and there including here on other Substacks, it's been fairly obvious to me that there is a strong tendency to glamorize, to expect everything somehow to be right in the future (gd luk) if not right around the corner. And I'm going to pull my age weight, 89, to throw out a reminder that things go in cycles, all the time. All the time. So we're in a pretty damn good one right now and let's make the most of it because that's how progress gets actually established inside a government structure. And that takes time itself. I'm not going to apologize as people often do for bringing what appears to be bad news which it isn't, it's just reality. I think we're going to be very good at living in this reality and for quite a while. So let's make it as good as we can. Leave the cynicism in the trash can. Along with you know who.

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Give me six examples.

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No need for me to do so. Go read about her accomplishments and you’ll have your answer.

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It's more like your inability to do so. Which is not surprising, the Bratgirl being such a dud and all.

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I opened a newly purchased jar of Smuckers strawberry jam yesterday. It was very obviously watered down compared to how it has always looked before. And, it's also more expensive than it used to be. Why should I have to pay more for an inferior product? Just so the company can keep up their profit margin. This is just one example of corporate greed. Something needs to be done about it, and Trump sure as hell won't do anything. Because he needs to stay in good graces with his rich buddies to stay out of prison.

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Well, I’m sure that the Bratgirl, assuming that she oils her way into the presidency, will make sure that your strawberry jam is just as jammy as you feel it should be. With enough bureaucrats, anything is possible.

Oh, and BTW, if companies can’t keep up their profit margins, it might be found that strawberry jam and much else is in short supply.

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I am all for disagreement here, political and otherwise, and in fact I welcome discourse. But I don't like mean comments about anyone. Please keep it civil, I am sure you can do that, Mr. Gregg.

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Thanks for sharing your story Liza. We appreciate your journey and your gifts to us. When I saw Kamala's sign: For the People in her earlier campaign, it occurred to me that the Democrats slogan all along should have been: People First. And, while I don't approve of banning books, I'll make an exception: Project 2025. Oh, what the hell, let's burn it!

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Let's read it first. The excerpts I've seen turn my blood to icewater in my veins; and when I realize that THEY REALLY F***ING MEAN IT, that icewater turns back into blood, gives me the courage and resolve to Do Something! Do Something!

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Thank you for your coverage of the convention. I didn't watch it in real time, but I've watched a lot of clips, including all of Harris, Michelle Obama, and Kinzinger, as well as other things like the incredibly moving speeches by those impacted by gun violence in schools. That anyone can look at that clip on January 6 and think "innocent tourists" boggles the mind. And now there is a FUNDRAISER at stinking Mar A Lago for those predators. Sheesh.

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You got the important points. It made me laugh that all the negative comments from Republicans after the speech were to the effect that she did not flesh out her policies enough. I forget . . . what are Trump's policies again?? Oh year, give to the rich. The only other "policies" are Democratic conversions. For instance, he now advertises that the only way to save Social Security and Medicare is to vote for Trump. This election is such a mismatch.

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Thanks, Liza. I loved how she circled back to “Kamala Harris, for the people” with a comment about always being for himself. 🥾

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Agree with your thoughts, excited again

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Thanks Liza—heartfelt; message well delivered and received. 👏🏼

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Thank you as always Liza. Beautiful post!!!!🌈🙏🏻💚

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A sad and terrifying reminder of who djt really is! An insurrection against your own country is treason and punishable by death by hanging! He’s never been to jail!

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Aug 24Liked by Liza Donnelly

I'm reminded of something Michelle Obama said shortly after her husband was elected president: Paraphrasing here, it was something like, "This is the first time in a long time I've been proud to be an American." Sadly, the new administration made her "walk it back", as the saying goes; it seemed a little too direct, too truthful. Well, I agreed with her then, and I say it again now, loudly and unapologetically: this is the first time in a VERY long time I'm proud to be an American. There are plenty of things about America that I don't like: old mistakes that need to be rectified, harms that need to be reconciled, inequalities that must be confronted and corrected. But the bedrock is an ideal, ultimately a leap of faith which asserts a radical equality - that at some very basic level of description, we are all of equal value, all deserving of one another's respect; and our civil society springs from this bedrock ideal, gives birth to the principles we put forward in our constitution. When we get back to focusing on this founding principle - which I think we are doing now, at this time - then we are indeed capable of doing great things, creating a society which brings out the best in each of us.

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Aug 24Liked by Liza Donnelly

Wow, I hadn't seen some of this January 6 footage before. Trump is saying he's gonna pardon everyone who has been convicted. I'm hoping and praying that Kamala Harris wins. If Trump wins, I don't know what I'll do. Because I don't want to stay here if he becomes president again.

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