Feb 23Liked by Liza Donnelly

I love this! Is that a beanie with a flower on the horse’s head?? 🔥🔥

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I am so bad at drawing medieval things. I just had it in my mind that the horse has armor too, and maybe a little florish on her head! Thank you!

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It was perfect!!

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Feb 23Liked by Liza Donnelly

Alvis medieval? How about that! Nice drawing, Liza!

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Thanks, D.L.!

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There were a lot of good candidates 4 years ago, and most of them are still alive and well. I still don't love the idea of Biden being President 4 years from, but it's far from the worst possible scenario. I didn'r love Kamala last time around, because I though she repeated herself a lot. I was more impressed with Amy Klobuchar and especially Pete Buttigieg, and I still like both of them a lot. But they can't put themselves to the fore as long as Biden is not stepping aside; neither can Harris, really. Am not crazy about Gavin Newsom. To be honest, I wish the world was ready for AOC, though her day may still be ahead of us. Despite all this, Biden/Harris is unspeakably better than Trump + anybody, though I think he intends to go with Jesus as his running mate.

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I just don't understand why people don't like Harris! To each his own. I like Amy also....but is our country really ready for a woman president or a gay president?

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Feb 24Liked by Liza Donnelly

I like Harris well enough, and would rather have her as President than any Republican or Independent. As Vice President, she has done an easy job well, but when she was put in charge of the border problem, she was way over her head. (So is everyone else, too, though.) As a candidate last time she came across to me as more of a prosecutor than a unifier. She also kind of stabbed Biden in the back. I don't really follow her closely. I haven't heard anything in the last few years that made me doubt her -- or have confidence in her. The VP job isn't designed for that.. She is a strong black woman, which I like. She's no Michelle Obama, though. I think of her as mediocre. Maybe I'm wrong, but I would like better than that. I'll probably be happy enough if she's President some day.

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A few days ago I indicated I hoped Biden would just step away--warmly--and pass the spot to someone else. I still thing Newsom is the strongest candidate. But my view is shifting

Biden has a fine shot at beating Donald Toxic. We must center on Trump. I think we have to be convince independents etc. to go with Biden. Liza is wise: we have to decisive and strong on this.

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Really agree, although I have always liked Biden and love Harris. So for me, it's a win-win. If Biden becomes less able or worse, dies, in office, we have a committed and strong Black woman at the helm!

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Funny cartoon! And I too think Biden and Harris are the right ticket. Also, Biden would never replace her.

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Biden’s judgment remains strong and built on a lifetime of established values. I’m not happy that he hasn’t been more firm with Netanyahu, but I think he has been the one of the most effective presidents of the last 80 years. Let’s get all the way behind him!!!

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I agree on all you say. Bibi is being so horrible, I think its just been a difficult time for Joe to navigate our support for Israel and Jewish citizens and emmense disagreement with Israel's govt. policies and oppression of Palestinians.

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Biden and Harris need to share more of their personal selves as the New Yorker argues this week.

The traditional/corporatist media offers us a horse race view. How wrong, sad---and expected. We need to carefully and regularly focus on the faults not only of Trump but the media .

We have to build the word we need. Yes for art and illustrations!!!!

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