May 29Liked by Liza Donnelly

Great drawing Liza and even greater news about Ms. Gates' generous & important donation! Here's to our future!

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Wonderful news!

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May 29·edited May 29Liked by Liza Donnelly

I'm happy to see Melinda Gates use her money and influence for women's rights. Yay, Melinda. A bright light in a dark tunnel. Now as for the orange man, of all the things the orange man is.... the worst for me is.... he is so annoying. His whole manner, the fist pumps, the likening himself to Mother Teresa (as if), the lie that he did what he did for his family...(oh b/t/w, where is his family?)....it's more annoying than ants at a picnic. And I'm really hopeful real justice will be served, and that he will have to eat his brag that you can do anything to them when you're a star and get away with it. As always, love your drawings. Have fun in Ohio.

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May 29Liked by Liza Donnelly

Love the drawing!!! And you are right, Stormy Daniels may end up being a hero to us all!

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May 30Liked by Liza Donnelly

She already is. Unapologetic human.

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Love scales of justice cartoon.

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May 29Liked by Liza Donnelly

Strong comments by you. Important and well said. Thank you!

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May 29Liked by Liza Donnelly

I send you a big hug; I loved your essay and drawing today!

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May 30Liked by Liza Donnelly

Love all of this. Melinda Gates never disappoints me in her choices. Neither do you.

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May 30Liked by Liza Donnelly

Ohio, the red state of Taft & Harding...may not be the best location if Trump is convicted, for a New Yorker.

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Yes yes yes, and love the drawing. All paws crossed on the verdict.

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It’s nice, I suppose, that Melinda French Gates is donating a cool billion $$$ for women’s rights and gender equity around the world. But let’s face it, that world tour will studiously avoid such awkward entanglements as Afghanistan and Gaza. The Taliban, which is busily engaged in the re-enslavement of the women and girls of Afghanistan, is unlikely to change its policy for the sake of a handout. And the orgy of rape and torture perpetrated by Hamas on October 7, 2023, gave us a preview of what a Palestinian state would be like for women and girls: hell on earth. In that connection, I cannot forebear to remark that feminists in this country greeted the horrors perpetrated on Israeli women and girls with a long, loud silence. Instead we got “ Feminists for Palestine”: a moral atrocity if ever there was one.

My daughter Alex, who served as a US Army MP in Afghanistan, 2010-11, told me how inspiring it was to see schools being opened for girls, so eager to learn and grow. Among her unit’s missions was to secure and defend those schools. Alex is proud of that, as well she should be. But imagine how she felt when our despicable president’s Afghanistan skedaddle threw all that away. Then imagine the scorn with which she’d regard Melinda French Gates’ lousy billion-dollar payola.

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May 30Liked by Liza Donnelly

I love your EQUALITY4WOMEN drawing!! Think about getting some swag made with it; t-shirts, posters/prints, travel mugs, diaper bags… maybe not that.

Have fun in Ohio!!

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May 30Liked by Liza Donnelly

Have a great cartoon trip to Ohio. The anxiety here is high and I worry Trump will get off, but how could he, the proof is so evident. I also thought there was no chance that Clarence Thomas would become a Supreme Court Justice, how could they?

They did, and he is now a stooge for conservative white upper class………

So yes anxiety is high. Time to put the phone down and go to sleep.

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