No reason to dwell on your nightmare, Liza. Your posts and support for the Biden-Harris ticket are doing their work. Thank you!

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I have high hopes for the debate.

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Jun 12Liked by Liza Donnelly

Letters from an American plus your notes and drawings give me such inspiration and motivation to stay hopeful and engaged! We will all get through this together. 😊

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Be weary, my friend, don't play Trump's game. He will try to worm into the uninfected brains non-believers to leverage us to incite his true-believers in ways he can't. Don't give his followers a reason to again do his dirty work. REMEMBER JANUARY 6!! That day he flung ketchup on the walls of the White House while his mob attacked the US government. The Orange Coward Clown has always used others to achieve his slimey wins.

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Too true. And well put.

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What do you mean, Terry, be weary?

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I think maybe spell check changed “WARY”.

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Danny is correct about spell check, it hates me.

My thoughts were: martial arts or poker playing. Where you never want to telegraph a weakness, strength, or insecurity.

Stay wary, my friend.

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Ah, that makes sense now. Thank you!

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Jun 12Liked by Liza Donnelly

I agree. My very small sample of 12 women total: one circle of friends is both informed and active politically; the other group isn't interested in politics but does vote.

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I agree with every word you wrote. Sometimes, I feel like giving in and simply crying until I have no more tears.

I believe Biden will win. I also believe the GOO fascist regime will do everything they can to nullify the results of the election.

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Jun 12Liked by Liza Donnelly

A therapist once told me that dreams bring to the fore the things we have not dealt with in the waking hours. You should feel vindicated Liza.

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Jun 12Liked by Liza Donnelly

Liza, I think that paying attention is what it’s about right now. So sharing the art eye. Share and link HCR because then we can personally shoot these dayly posts - that we read with enthusiasm- to readers.

At the same time here’s another venue to pay attention - MAD magazine artists’ work is on view at Norman Rockwell museum - and the point every kid made was they read it whether they could understand it or not was that it was so funny, so point on, so well drawn - so compelling! To Kids of all ages - they/we learned to pay attention ! We need to repeat this, translate this to now!

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Yes! We are going to see the MAD show this weekend. So many cartoonists of my generation were influenced by MAD, even if indirectly. It was sanctioned irrevernce at politics and culture, which many of us were rebelling against (if only quietly) in the 60's and 70's. I love that you mentioned MAD. I may write about it after we go to the show.

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I have no problem with people voting for their self-interest. They may be selfish, but they have at least identified their self-interest and who represents those interests. They are an informed voter, not a lemming voter. BTW, isn't the Big Bang considered creative, not destructive?

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Good points. But so many people are not informed but they pick one thing and vote on that because it applies to what they think they will get in return. And yes, I guess the BB was creative! But it killed the dinosaurs, right?

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Jun 12Liked by Liza Donnelly

I also read Heather Cox Richardson daily as well as Joyce Vance, Adam Kinzinger, Jess Piper and yourself. This gives me information from diverse perspectives that I trust.

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Jun 12Liked by Liza Donnelly

You are doing everything you can. I empathize with you, though. We all feel we're not doing enough. We all feel helpless, and that's what the orange man wants: apathy, indifference, depression, a sense of helplessness. Or he wants people to react in hatred, which won't solve anything. He wants us to think, What the heck. No use. Can't do anything about it. But we can, in every big and little way, I believe ... if we believe we can, we can. Now I sound like a Disney character, but I'm of the opinion if you don't think it can happen, it won't. But if you do, it will. End of sermon.

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I like your thinking. I will keep that in my pocket!!

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Jun 13Liked by Liza Donnelly

Amen Amen.

A mean man.

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Thanks for the nudge on Heather Cox Richardson’s newsletter. Just subscribed. As it happens, I’ve been listening to an interview she did with Katie Couric, so this is a welcome next step. Thanks for all you do and all you draw, Liza.

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She's amazing, won't dissapoint.

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Jun 13Liked by Liza Donnelly

I hope most people do wake up before the election! It is mind-boggling to me that anybody could vote for such a lying, hypocritical, evil . . . (add in any of dozens more adjectives as you see fit)! Keep up the good work! It is most heartening to read your stuff every day and know that some people do get what is going on!

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Thank you!

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Jun 13Liked by Liza Donnelly

'Big Bang!' is a unique way to put it-but it is truly appropriate! Yes, Heather Richardson is a inspiration, but so are you, as you bring us real life 'pictures' of what I hope are going through 'woke' peoples' minds. God help the USA (and world) if the big orange buffoon should happen to win in November.

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Thanks, Doug, you are very kind. I hope hope hope this is all just a dream and we wake up the day after the election to normalcy.

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I love the parallel!!! It's kind of perfect!!! I identify with the nightmare though mine is a regular middle of the night waking agony over the possibility of Trump being elected. HCR brings sanity, context, inspiration & motivation. Both you and she help your readers know that we are not alone. I love being among your kind and grateful followers. It's a good crowd.

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This paralell was not something I totally planned, it just emerged! I am glad it works. And thank you for putting me and Heather in the same sentence, I admire her so much. And I do love this community, it is a good crowd.

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