Yes coleslaw is inherently funny! Looking forward to hearing about the conference!

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I also think “I don’t think coleslaw is political” would be a great caption, too!

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I made coleslaw once.

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VERY funny! And the fact that the only color in your cartoon is the green cabbage makes it funnier!

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Cabbage could be political. Has MAGA claimed purple cabbage as their own? Purple coleslaw with flecks of orange carrot, very MAGA, but probably too colorful.

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For someone who as a child found coleslaw exotic, how can I not love this?

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Saw the article, made coleslaw, didn't laugh.

From Columbus, Ohio to Olso, Norway almost overnight; if I didn't know better I'd think you were up to something sketchy.

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Great cartoon, I look forward to your work from the conference.

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Wow, from Thurber to Oslo-what a great experience! I’m looking forward to how you see Oslo. The Thurber material was fascinating-thank you!

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There's Murphy's Law, and then there's Cole's Law

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The first of its kind: a Donnelly sandbox installation.

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You need to be lifted up by hopeful ideas. Enjoy and pass on the Mojo, because I could use some.

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Ha ha!

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Looks like a cabbage for a state fair contest. Love it. Will look forward to your drawings from Oslo.

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That's a lot of Reubens.

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I love cabbage in every way, growing and eating it...especially Northern style creamy, sweet, and sour coleslaw. I must admit my love of cabbage does not extend to the vinegary coleslaw served with BBQ in the South. I think that is a learned taste preference from childhood. My Nashville friends love the vingery kind. Thanks for that giant cabbage cartoon!! It is indeed funny! and YUM!

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